Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gall Bladder Message Boards

Fimon .... THAT STORY

Friday '7 30 hours about you go on a long journey .. and what a trip ...
is load the boat and go ...
the emotion and passion they have the better of me ... but someone told me to stay calm, but it's really hard to do ... just thinking you are going to drop the barrels into the lake Fimon .. What I
team Alex and their wives Ilariax2.
During the journey we see how beautiful the colors of nature this time of year .. a million colors mixed together so that they give me feelings of calm and relaxation ..
After 8 hours of travel we are 6km from the lake .. too many but too few compared to what we did to get up there '... frenzy and 'the stars, the sun, but now has dropped to the lake and the reflection of the moon' magnificent, the water lilies that surround the mountains background blurred by the haze that the moon show ... A DREAM .. has now been there and begin to organize how and what to mount what trigger words and how to fish the same things .. only this time, and 'a bit more complicated and' dark spot, and above all know nn nn know the lake .. them there, "Mr. Cover" which is waiting for us and gives us a hand to download the camper .. while downloading a type of place you stop talking to me, I did not understand what he was saying because he spoke in Vicenza tightly .. but one thing 'they happen around the lake ... the end of the conversation, the kind in question looks at me and says.: - Well then .... ......... GOOD FISHING ... Imagine my face and my reply ... nn nn soaking but I'm interested ..
Pod mounted rods mounted What is studied via a boat and set off to drop the barrel .. No unfortunately they can use the scandaio for this' the first night falls the dark but hopeful of a good night .. The
start to feel tired after eating all together then you walk towards the camp .. turned on the units and hope not to sleep =) ..
few minutes later the first beep, but only the swans throughout our session we have company .. but as you know every beep spotters ready to shoot ..
around 5 am a beep beep biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppp makes us jump out of bed and 'the barrel of Alex Ferra preparing the boat and go out and figure out what happened since the lake and' full of algae and fish once shod stop property between them .. reached about 20 meters from the marker we understand that nn and a fish in a barrel but beautiful swan that was tied in braids, but fortunately after a while you loose and alone, we risked being attacked by a flock of swans incaxxati ..
the morning calm retreat continues reeds, percussion and freshly prepared to see off the bottom with a magic camera (nn guys can understand that the show) I saw trigger (snowman) tune and spicy chocolate and butter in the whole pasturazionee back ... (A perfect nibble) but unfortunately I ran nn, the lake and 'detention for some time now we are told by local anglers ..

then pass the night with some quiet now but we knew bipp that the swans were the otters ..
on Sunday morning you wake up with a freezing rain that gives the lake a green course, handsome never seen a similar color ..
between despair and sorrow redo the tools of the trade you load up the RV and street ready to return to Rome .. Mr salute cover and the other anglers Marco Volpato, Nicolash Holzer (or how to spell it) and again ... LAKE OF THE GUY .... I hoped that drowned in BIDET '..
but luck was on our side ... only to turn back because a tire explodes after 100 km of the camper, everything ok but since we are lucky we do not have the handle of the jack (no cricket understood alex) eventually returns to Rome destroyed by as many as 12 hours long journey ...