Sunday, April 18, 2010

Under The Counter 15 Inchtv

Film ... but not only

Between yesterday and today I saw three films on television.
was really a lot of time since I watched on television news programs were not simply the tangible proof that my life has, at times, rhythms so absurd that I want, from time to time, to seek the hand brake of my existence.

However, the months were not watching a television program in whole, not a show nor a movie. Or rather, they were months since I looked at them the support that the adjective in the name would imply: things I've seen, but typically on a PC monitor ...

Last night, no, after seeing - in the monitor room, needless to say - the movie "S. Darko" (which I do not express it ... I left a bit 'too perplexed ... although I must say that the previous "Donnie Darko" had left me with several questions in my head, including the most important: " But I liked it or not? "), I went from the kitchen when, on an Italy, began a Classicon Hollywood that I can never resist: "Twister."

What a movie like that always manages to put chains on, remains an unfathomable mystery to me: not a "disaster movie" in the strict sense of the term - and, secondly, the disaster movie is not "my gender "in the strict sense of the word - and yet he does not know that ... yes, in short, is a catastrophic manner of speaking, that winks with characters pseudo-scientists who approaches most nearly to science fiction, has irony and surreal jokes (I love the scene of "Another Cow ... cow ") and manages to nail me where I am in almost every occasion. Not only have these features (in fact there is some kind like" Armageddon "and" The Core "...), but he has a gift absurd : it is probably that, better than all his brothers, manages to make me stay here where I am, also standing, watching him from beginning to end.

finished watching that, before going to bed (so I thought ), I started a quick round of zapping.
had not ever done!
have happened on 4 Rai in the middle of an episode of "Rome": telefilmone money all over the world (BBC and HBO in head even with two pounds of RAI) absolutely fantastic shot at Cinecittà. A blockbuster of a lot of money with historically accurate scenery, costumes made to look real, well-structured stories and characters with a sense ... and where the great events of history involving Cesare are only the backdrop for the personal lives of two unfortunate: a centurion (a Roman citizen whose parents bred horses from the parts of Mutina) and a legionnaire (bigger that cute).
Raw, so it had alleged that Rai 2, at the time (while Rai 4 seems to not censor ... finally!) But well done. A pity that the project has been stalled for five seasons at the end of the second.

At this point, the account of television viewing is only a movie and a TV show ... how do you get to three films?
Well, you just make the mistake of passing by the kitchen late Sunday afternoon (crossing the evergreen "Men in Black" on Italy 1) and zap on Rai 4, immediately after dinner, fishing the beginning of "School of Rock "...

I, moreover, noticed a curious thing: Italy 1, in that my job very particular, has always been before the year 2000, while Rai 4 ever after ...
Who knows why the fourth channel of public TV, that is only on digital terrestrial television, I am always more fun?

Anyway, I managed to escape from the television when cominciado was "Pan's Labyrinth" ... I've heard good things, but I was taking so I'm wriggling crabs. Incredibly

television as the weekend, no doubt about it, but the thing that surprises me is that it was so despite having had a lot to do (and has produced, among other things, the redesign of all the cards the game "Tabula Doppelganger in" for the upcoming STICCON ... I should definitely make up my mind to sleep more ...)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Portable Mba Marketing

Calls and the strange questions ...

As usual, I just returned from two weeks to delirium, with a total balance of hours spent at home that ... Well I can not calculate it, but it sure is not so loud. My days
always look like a race against time, bouncing at warp speed between the two hundred things I should do, but never find time to do them all. At the end you have to select and girlfriend, work, and the handful of hours of sleep I can concede, inexplicably, to fill the entire clock.

In these two weeks, it happened a little of everything ': while I was in Genoa for the Easter weekend, came home a letter with a call from work. All this was in a
paginettina Times New Roman 10, probably. I waited for him, even though deep down I was hoping that the end was not there, because the former Director General, who is now just a suggestion, I had already announced that it had taken disciplinary action against me a month ago.
I've read the pages, when I arrive home, the way I read it and, without even much effort or lose sleep that much, I threw down four pages (in a font a bit 'bigger , ok, I admit) replication timely, accurate and a bit 'prickly.
The first draft was to face some problems: I recall that I caught, ultimately, is the extreme consequence of a much deeper problem of organization due to the fact that management increases the amount and variety of work without in advance, informing employees, increase staff and, worst of all, without properly train those who do put in some work. In the first draft it was followed by a slightly more moderate, because I thought that telling executives that work (in time and with his contract expires in March 2011) to them to affect the relationship of trust " there must be "between company and worker is not the best way for you to be afflicted.
To tell the truth, and indeed I am not troubled, for now half-heartedly looking for alternatives. The place I like, and if it were organized in a different way and I could do my job better, I'd like more ... in those circumstances, however, with a strange current climate, the desire to drop everything and run away - as I'd hate to leave the place, and colleagues - is very strong.
I'll see how it will end ... I hope, but I try not to get caught unprepared.
Over the next few days, then I hope at least to have a final reply from the company on the recall: I know that in these cases is amicable, but I asked in my "rebuttal" to receive their replies to my letter of .
I wonder if you deign to tell me something from what I was mentioned by the Councillor concerned, however, wanted to know something before I talk to the Managing Director, who pulled the ball in my "harangue." The two are seen last week and have been talking for over an hour ... I do not even know if they talked about my case, but one thing is certain: I am the "witnesses" have not "prepared".
To be honest, I do not even matter what the crabs may have said: I have a clear conscience and if someone, knowing how things went, said I did what I had to do, does nothing but confirm that the party is wrong and the company and not me.

This week, however, happened to me the most bizarre things that could happen ... I did not think I'd ever been in this situation, but it happened. My
asked me if I have problems.
I? If I have problems !?!?!? And the reason? Well, probably because they remember a bad thing.
My mother, who is home on sick leave, is doing the injections, Tuesday, from what I remember, after the daily injection box contained two syringes. On Wednesday, at the time of treatment, there was only one in the box ...
Since there are only in their home and I do what comes naturally? Please ask your child if he uses a syringe! I
! That I do not have a proper fear of needles, I still hold as far as possible, if I can help ... I think the last time I had a syringe in his hand was four months ago, when the I had to use a drug in powder form to mix with his "solvent" to then make the aerosol, and before that ... probably have never used a syringe!
Part of me has found it very considerate of my behavior: I had never been asked such a thing and, basically, if you care about what happens to me or how I spend my time do not give a lot to see. Another part of me found it extremely offensive, I, I never even smoked a cigarette and drink with a negligible rate, not only would not be the type to do such a thing, but the fact that it is me ask simply shows that ... well ... that probably did not understand at all how my head.
Beyond any other possible reasons, considering that my parents have always complained that waste my money and then they know pretty well what are the holes in my hands (although lately they are incredibly economical, at least for my standards), how can just assume that it is willing to spend money to engage in behavior that requires the use of syringes?
Ok, may sound mercenary, but I could never be capable of drug without considering other possible reasons, why should I spend money to become estranged from reality when I can very well do it free and the only function of my brain?
Still, the question I have made ... I've wound up with a joke and a laugh, rispondedogli anyway, but I wonder what I should think.
For now, I decided that I'm keeping the sudden discovery of caring and concerned parents, the rest prefer to ignore it.