Monday, May 31, 2004

Astrononomical Reflector Manual


Caught in a gust of wind chill
be swept away
Where nothing is my
Where everything is dark.

remain imprisoned
retained in the deep blue
Gliding on earth trembles

Then one day you see a sign
a relic of my past I want to take troubled

You can save me But every time you escape, you walk away

Until yesterday, when exhausted and surrendered
You turned your gaze to me
Now I can reach, I know
And then I come to you

Take me take me in your soul
Pat this tired body
Seeding in him hope and life new

Tech Deck Birthday Invatations


A bouquet of red roses on the table, with a note.
Forty years.
A number. Nothing more.
But Anna felt that it was only one figure is enough, that was not enough to feel young at heart, that the evolution and changes in her body also affect his soul and his mind, his way of living and seeing things. Forty
the day of his birthday.

Until the day before had almost no thought had been busy, work, the usual. This year
strangely did not even want to throw a party. He had always done in the last ten years.
But this time he felt tired. For the first time.

Why was not feeling well this morning? Outside was a beautiful day, it was raining and windy, and she was still sleeping when they played over the intercom, it was the florist. He had handed the bouquet of roses. Who sent it was a good man, also nice and friendly, but was beginning to believe that now no longer worth the trouble to be with a man if he did not feel something strong for him, really special, something beyond the attraction physics, the affinity and the simple desire.
was time for serious things, just links light, without too many commitments.

Then the phone call from the mother. Mothers are always mothers. Happy birthday, my daughter, I recommend you come for one, do not be late, we are all brothers and sisters. I made you your favorite dish.

Oh no, he had not forgiven him she left the house, just three years earlier. She liked to have her daughter with her. This daughter who had never times, it was always out, work, second jobs, hobbies, friends, men. That could give her daughter but moments of absolute dedication and love. The one daughter who could not cook much, just a bit 'of dough, and only occasionally made cakes and biscuits together, in the rare winter afternoons when he had nothing to do.

What's it like in forty years to find their parents' house to extinguish the candles in front of brothers, sisters and uncles cousins \u200b\u200band closer, and no one else, as when they were five or ten?
Anna was wondering if now, even she did not understand well what he felt.
Only when he opened his eyes closed in blowing out the candles, she understood. He understood that something was missing. It was like a bottle of wine, half empty, left on the table in a restaurant customers already full and tipsy. That bottle was still much to give, to delight many palates, so many ways to become intoxicated, so much joy to raise, who had wanted and managed to draw from her. Because it was also this, to know to communicate with her, you know how to love. You can not always just swallow. It takes a calm, and elegance. And attention.
A woman at forty you can not handle more like a girl, you can not ask her to do crazy things for you, follow you anywhere and everywhere. A woman at forty wants something intimate and deep, her emotions just are not enough. No longer wants to be hurt or disappointed, no longer wants to be the girl of someone's aunt or someone else. He wants to be someone's wife and a mother.
A mother of those afternoons in the winter and preparing cups of hot chocolate with her children sitting on his knees in front of the fireplace, telling stories. This

Anna thought, while eating the milfoil watched his brother and kissing his wife, gently and quietly, without attracting attention, as they do married couples when they are not alone when they are in the midst of other people, all this thought as he watched her grandchildren play with the buildings on the floor, he watched his cousin twenty talk to the phone with his girlfriend and he watched his father in the rocking chair with the blanket on her knees, enjoying the sight of his family.

He knew there was a crisis of transition, had always wanted to one day marry and have children, and had nothing to do that maybe in a few years would not have been able to do more, it was just that now he felt the need to climb from deep within herself, as something inside you, and suddenly must leave by force, you can not help it.

At seven he was at home, was preparing to leave, her friends had warned her that they wanted to take her out to dinner, and then who knows where. She was on her makeup, smeared mascara on top lashes, careful not to put too much, when suddenly she saw a little crease on his forehead, the first wrinkle. The eye instinctively rebelled against that vision, he moved down, and now noted that its not completely black blouse buttoned left a small portion of the chest, just below the neck, face up. The eye settled on a strip of meat, only now she noticed that her skin had aged, worn, and was changing color. They were useless body creams which applied every time after a shower or bath.
He stopped, put his hands on the sink, and felt the sadness melt in her, from the throat and down to the stomach, and then under. She put her hands over her stomach and began to descend down to the legs, slowly, by a slight pressure to the knees. He looked in the mirror, straight into his eyes, then looked away from there, by itself, quickly. Now look at the bidet, bidet on which she sat in the last three years, and welcomed what many men wanted from her, but many just wanted to stop. How difficult
understand men thought.
How difficult it is to live with them, for them.

The evening was fun, went to the restaurant, then a tour of the historic center, and drinking something in a place that she liked a lot where they had good live music. That evening there was a singer who had already heard, and singing and always strictly sitting with eyes closed, singing with heart and spirit. She listened and dreamed. He was moved that night, and almost cried, it was not for all his friends there with her. That music and that song made the hit and go on all the sadness and turn it into something else, a presence, solid and tangible, hidden and repressed in her deep.

way home, walking on wet cobblestones, it had rained a bit ', with its purple bag in his hand, wrapped in her long black coat, arms folded, looking straight ahead, she thought that she was happy, though incomplete, and he thought he wanted someone who loved her, the understand, that when pulling up the morale was not well, that would take care of her, and already you could see, prepare large cups of hot chocolate, and tell their children stories of gnomes and to do, sitting in front of the fireplace in winter.

Streaming Rachael Darrian


I'm afraid.
I'm afraid of what they are.
I'm afraid of what will become.
I'm afraid to die.
I'm afraid to live.
I'm afraid of others.
I'm afraid of evil.
I'm afraid of not succeeding, not to produce it, to always be a failure.
I'm afraid to be afraid.
I'm afraid to be alone.
I'm scared of having a woman that is my one day.
I'm scared of making love.
I'm afraid of not being able to love.
I'm afraid of not being loved and understood.
I'm afraid I have no friends.
I'm afraid of dreams.
I'm afraid to go back home and to find myself alone.
I'm afraid of losing my loved ones.
I'm afraid I do not know everything.
I'm afraid to die without even realizing it.
I'm afraid.

am a boy of nearly eighteen years, and I'm afraid. I can not stop.
Somebody help me.
I do not know how it started. Now I am only interested in how this ends. If it will end.
not have a girlfriend. I have a dog. It 'the same?
I go around when I want, I cherish always, I eat, do not miss anything. I love it.
And do not ask me anything. He does not talk either. Does not bark either.
I have a family.
My father never happened. E ' too busy to look into the eyes of women. All women. And make them fall in love with him.
Then nothing happens. I would never betray my mother.
My mother is always at home. Cleans kitchen. Is never sitting. My sister
there has never, ever goes out with her friends and her boyfriend. Does not tell us anything of what he does.
So we do not know anything about her, is practically a stranger, a guest in here, from which however depend on everyone and everything. All are at your service. I do not speak much. I do not have much to say about all things, are not capable of making speeches and passing unnecessary. I do not care what the weather does not interest me the money, the economy, business State.
I would like to have fun and enjoy life. But I can not, and do not know why, this is the problem.
I like a block that stops me every time I look at life. You can not enter, I'm sorry, is not suitable. Outside kick ass.
I'm not antisocial, I try to fit in the group, without pretending to be what they are not without false masks. Also because I'm not capable. I'm not good at pretending.
I can not tell lies. E 'stronger than me.
are quite correct.
Some people prefer to say stupid or gutless. But I do not care, we no longer do any more.
Cash in the shot, and start again, tomorrow is another day.
But I'm not Clark Gable.
are no good. I do not laugh. I can not sing. I can not dance. Often I can not express how I want. I
jamming, language and twists the words get stuck in my throat.
I am not optimistic, they are not realistic, I am pessimistic, I'm not ashamed to say it.
are not all these things and also many others.
The problem is to understand what they are. Who I am.
If something or even someone. But
not help me think about it over and commiseration.
So I stop.

Watch Soft Park Online

A girl behind the counter of a bar. Collects orders, serving coffee and hands it to unknown hands brioche. I never look at who is serving. Always look beyond the customer, beyond, beyond the bay window overlooking the street, life flowing out there. People going, that is, observing them for those few seconds that pass in front of the screen, which is the glass. Then they disappear.

A boy wakes up in his bed. Smell of air consumed. And tired. He opens his eyes and is conscious of living. Stay a few seconds lying in the dark. Then he gets up. Goes to the window, opens it and pulls up the shutter. The light penetrates into the car's squinting eyes instinctively. He looks down, reopen Plan your eyes, and looks out. It 's still dark.
goes to the bathroom, gets dressed and goes home.

That guy goes out every morning from his home in the hills, the road salt, a few hundred yards until the road ends. Before him the top of the hill. The guy takes a breath, and goes down the path, if one can call it. Arrived at the top, remains motionless, like every morning. A faint glow began to spread. Do not move even a second look. And here, finally, check, plain, timid and uncertain over the sea, calm sea beyond that, it becomes increasingly clear to dark. The sun. Sale softly, almost imperceptibly, and the boy never stops to watch. Until it came out all right when he sees the orange ball in its entirety, and now secure it almost hurts.
then descends slowly. Reaching down in front of his house. Not go in, pulls out of pocket for the car keys. Salt, and partly down, towards the city.

Every morning, more or less the same time, after a couple of hours that began serving coffee and croissants, the girl sees a boy who enters the door cautiously transparent. Sign in with his head down, then lifts his head and she smiles. He smiles too. Then comes forward, leans against the counter with an elbow and asks every morning as a cup of milk and a donut. He drinks all the milk in two gulps, then begins to eat the donut, watching the TV.
She did not say anything, but looks at him, and his eyes no longer look over, do not indicate a more unknown beyond the bar, but are fixed on him. When he finished and thanked pays, and walks away with a quick pace, once again, lowering his head, holding it so crossing the door until a few yards away, when it disappears from the screen, which is the window of the bar.

Every night she comes home. Opens the door, calling her lazy dog \u200b\u200barrives, without barking. Laying the bag on a table, opens the refrigerator, fill the bowl of the dog and puts it on the ground. Then go to the bathroom, there remains a long time, and when it comes out more pure, no tricks, wrapped in her cotton pajamas. Prepare dinner and then sit on the couch, turn on the television, and begins to eat. But do not watch the news or some soap opera. Look elsewhere, beyond the white wall where they hung wet, framed like paintings, his memories, in the form of photos, and breathes.

The boy comes home every night. No cooking. He bought something out. A sandwich, pasta ready, the meat already cooked. It takes a shower, sink into the chair and eat, listening to Chopin. Think of his day. His mind takes him to the girl who serves him breakfast every morning. It 's a pretty girl, has more or less his age. Who knows who he is, what it's called, what does that job well, if ... then, tired, falls asleep.

One morning something happens. The guy enters the bar with his head down, the bartender smiles, he leans against the counter and order. She hands him the ring and supports the cup of milk on the counter while he, who had turned to the TV, turns, and his elbow hits the cup, which is not down, but is splashed away, runs along the bar towards the board.
will fall?

might. Then she will look at the embarrassed boy, come out from behind the counter with a rag and start cleaning.
"Excuse me!" He says.
"Do not worry. It does not matter " tell her, without looking at him, continuing to clean.
"Really sorry that is turning around ..."
"No problem, really!"
It raises the neck, look at him, looks into his eyes.
something happened. It is not a simple exchange of glances. It 'a force that binds two people. A force that stuns intense, that clouds, which enchants.
Her lips make an almost imperceptible motion, but changes his expression, they widen. Now she almost smiles. His gaze remains in communication with the boy, but is softer, weaker, and in those eyes there's a question: "Love me."
The boy is bewildered, and in his eyes, there is something. It is not exactly a question, is something that comes out from within, from the bottom, a need, a desperate cry: "Love me."

Then she will raise it in the trash throwing the remains of the cup, preparing another to his young client and beginning a dialogue with him that will never end anymore.

Instead cup stops right on the edge of the bar, hangs in the balance, is about to fall, when the guy grabs the door quickly and at the mouth. He drinks, eats his cake, and pay thanks goes crossing the door with his head down.

The girl looks out from the screen, which is the window of the bar.