Monday, May 31, 2004

Streaming Rachael Darrian


I'm afraid.
I'm afraid of what they are.
I'm afraid of what will become.
I'm afraid to die.
I'm afraid to live.
I'm afraid of others.
I'm afraid of evil.
I'm afraid of not succeeding, not to produce it, to always be a failure.
I'm afraid to be afraid.
I'm afraid to be alone.
I'm scared of having a woman that is my one day.
I'm scared of making love.
I'm afraid of not being able to love.
I'm afraid of not being loved and understood.
I'm afraid I have no friends.
I'm afraid of dreams.
I'm afraid to go back home and to find myself alone.
I'm afraid of losing my loved ones.
I'm afraid I do not know everything.
I'm afraid to die without even realizing it.
I'm afraid.

am a boy of nearly eighteen years, and I'm afraid. I can not stop.
Somebody help me.
I do not know how it started. Now I am only interested in how this ends. If it will end.
not have a girlfriend. I have a dog. It 'the same?
I go around when I want, I cherish always, I eat, do not miss anything. I love it.
And do not ask me anything. He does not talk either. Does not bark either.
I have a family.
My father never happened. E ' too busy to look into the eyes of women. All women. And make them fall in love with him.
Then nothing happens. I would never betray my mother.
My mother is always at home. Cleans kitchen. Is never sitting. My sister
there has never, ever goes out with her friends and her boyfriend. Does not tell us anything of what he does.
So we do not know anything about her, is practically a stranger, a guest in here, from which however depend on everyone and everything. All are at your service. I do not speak much. I do not have much to say about all things, are not capable of making speeches and passing unnecessary. I do not care what the weather does not interest me the money, the economy, business State.
I would like to have fun and enjoy life. But I can not, and do not know why, this is the problem.
I like a block that stops me every time I look at life. You can not enter, I'm sorry, is not suitable. Outside kick ass.
I'm not antisocial, I try to fit in the group, without pretending to be what they are not without false masks. Also because I'm not capable. I'm not good at pretending.
I can not tell lies. E 'stronger than me.
are quite correct.
Some people prefer to say stupid or gutless. But I do not care, we no longer do any more.
Cash in the shot, and start again, tomorrow is another day.
But I'm not Clark Gable.
are no good. I do not laugh. I can not sing. I can not dance. Often I can not express how I want. I
jamming, language and twists the words get stuck in my throat.
I am not optimistic, they are not realistic, I am pessimistic, I'm not ashamed to say it.
are not all these things and also many others.
The problem is to understand what they are. Who I am.
If something or even someone. But
not help me think about it over and commiseration.
So I stop.


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