Saturday, March 27, 2010

Coby Tf-dvd1023 10.2-inch Widescreen

Time, youtube, elections and the Auditel

E 'night. Tonight
also changed the time ... I saw him physically take forward the system clock on my PC and my mobile.
When the time change, usually, I like to stand until after the fateful change for me is a way to undo the "jet-lag" to Exchange; I've never suffered, but after going to bed Time has changed is the great advantage of not making you feel the difference, you simply say "This Last night I slept n hours ... "without specifying for how long.

Why did I so late?" What was I doing?
I was not going around the area to repel the threat Bolarus Reman (reference to Star Trek Online, right for the record): I was on youtube and watch the 23 (!!!) pieces of about ten minutes each of "rai", the special that aired Santoro - on the internet, satellite on some local stations in various parts of Italy, on radio and in many places - this week in full protest against the idea of \u200b\u200ban information and gagged by the slave power.
I've seen all (I missed about ten minutes "musical" no more) and I wondered if it is normal to be so strongly indignant over the condition of my country and be at the same time, the highly enthusiastic and desperate.
am outraged because in Italy only one person has enormous power, manipulates reality and the rules at will and is able to silence those who say that a power so authoritative (not authoritative!) Is wrong. I'm excited to see that in Italy there is a beautiful piece of land which revolts at the idea that this situation is inevitable, he wants to change things, that aspires to the seriousness of a situation where once again be a feature of public figures. I am desperate because I realize that the opposition, the moderate left in which I recognize, does not have the punch it should have, not the determination that would serve, and I am desperate because I see so much of Italy following our leader (people) with conviction, that same conviction that, unfortunately, I am sure that he has .
Silvio Berlusconi is a person hungry for power? It 'a lazy scoundrel, thief, liar, arrogant and self-centered? Maybe not rule it out.
Silvio Berlusconi is convinced that the only possible salvation for this country? I think so. I think it's really to believe that his way of seeing things is the gist. I think he is deluded that he used to convince many people. I think he is the victim of his own communication skills and be convinced that indeed, as he says and how he did believe his "followers", who is angry with him is the victim of envy.
says that within three years his government will defeat cancer ... Perhaps a part of him knows that is a promise that can not keep, which is a propaganda shot of abnormal size, which is a (let's call it by its name) galactic shit. Yet part of him, probably, is convinced that if he could do things as he says we should be closer, that if he could do things his own way the goal was not achieved but very close.
And 'a man possessed, why? Probably yes, victim of his own suggestion which has fascinated many Italians.
A friend of mine is a Berlusconi ... I spoke quietly with him one time because of policy, albeit with two very different visions, we could compare and discuss peacefully. I'm not saying that now we could not do it, but almost two years ago I decided - dicendoglielo - that he would talk more about politics, why is my friend and I do not want our friendship is irreparably undermined, I decided that there are arguments that he did not stretch more ...
I'm sorry, because I liked to talk politics with him, calmly and with passion, and sometimes I wonder what would happen if I tried to return to this subject, but I'm afraid of what may come.
is not certain that the next time I see you do not try to come back, maybe the events of recent weeks has also hit him, but I ...
He will be representative of the list for a seat in this election ... we'll see if we will talk about the outcome or not.

remains that people like Santoro - of which I really like the style, sincerely prefirisco the calmness of Floris ... - One thing they do, and wiretaps in which it appears Berlusconi openly show (he says the same Masi, director Rai, to motivate why some people can not act on): do not invent things. They report the news, things taken from other sources and documented. Maybe dare to comment, but for the most part, things are "disturbing" that they say they are simply the facts. Some
"powerful" can not tolerate the truth, why show them for what they are and that is why the idea of \u200b\u200ba precise figure, unequivocal, indisputable, annoys them: who bases his success on the communication and the ability to convince the black is white and vice versa, in front of one thing is indisputable because it is clearly seen in crisis - as it is not a fool - that in the face all'incontestabilità you can only try to convince you that things are different, try without certainty on the outcome .

One thing beyond dispute in relation to the evening of Thursday, is that a lot of people saw it.
While I watched tonight on youtube, about fifty thousand views each fragment to its assets (except the two parts of the monologue Luttazzi that adds up to over 100,000 views.) And there was a lot of people who saw the program on traditional media even while the data only Auditel (which interfere with the event organizers and the data ... what to expect from a measurement system obsolete and subservient to the purposes of who controls it with the usual allotment Italian!) there were 1,000,000 - this real, not like a million Piazza San Giovanni, who have heard a million elected Silvio San promising cancer treatment and that the police of Rome, more pragmatically, estimated at 150,000 - of viewers. More contacts live anywhere. The more listeners on the radio. The more people in the streets.
Millions of people who do not want to believe blindly the information of the system, they want information that tells it like it is, millions of people who believe that things should be done differently.

Tomorrow we are the regional elections ... I have read a little 'program, I got an idea ... may also express a preference for a candidate of the province.
I also asked what might happen as a result of the problem that they bring with them some actions against the candidacy of Vasco Errani in Emilia Romagna (such as those against Formigoni in Lombardy), but I'm not a lawyer and the issue of ineligibility of one who was "governor" for two consecutive terms (according to a law of 2004) do not think I can answer (I'm not able to say whether, given that the law does not explicitly support to be retroactive, it is correct or not does not count - for the purpose of "two consecutive terms - the current mandate at the entry into force of the Act) unless chedi if certain things are a good idea.
Anyway I'm going to vote, and Tuesday morning in the office, the page with updates on the situation is always in the background on my PC.

Sometimes I think ours is a very poor Italy ... Sometimes, I barrel of pessimism, at times of optimism ... I hope to have a small sign of optimism in the coming days, but for now I have no illusions.


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