Friday, June 4, 2010

Myammee Nud�‰

A quote

Today, while I was on lunch break, I thumbed through "Il Resto del Carlino" available to customers the bar where I usually eat something up ... I usually try "La Gazzetta di Modena", but today he had had an accident with a drink and was already trashed. Leafing
I reflected on a page that contains statements quoted by daily declarations of some character or culture of the show and I caught a phrase that struck me so much, and I decided to make my own because it makes good sense that the idea of I happen to try it before you start a match or, sometimes, before starting to play the role.

" I like to be an actor. Each time, before you start shooting, I think I'm going on holiday in the life of another "

Fabio de Luigi (From Il Resto del Carlino 04/06/2010)


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