Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thrush And Low Hemoglobin

Greetings and snow

Last day of work.
Last day with a lot of people to greet thousands of things to do, two hundred deliveries to leave and, practically, I could not make a bean.
Half of the now former colleagues were still on vacation, and the greetings were more than two e-mails: one general and one to a more narrow group of people.

I will not be able to talk with Richard from his past and his companion sessantottino (antithetical) passed by financial advisors. It 'kind of person where there is to learn, someone who'd be listening for hours.

I will not look up strange over the monitor and see IUMA that gives me a paper clip or the phone away from ear exasperated by a conversation without exhausting and useless. I miss you

desperate calls of the Rose that can not tame a table in Word, and his travels to print copies of the fortnight Minutes of the Board of committing four printers at once. I will miss the

Isa pass me the phone calls of Americans who speak with four potatoes in your mouth because you do not jumping out to tell him they need to send an email. I will miss

also calls for Sarah, who must go to the bank and need someone to replace it at reception.

Yet, I know that I've lost everything, some of them, those with whom they work more, I'll just across the monitor, no more than a few desks away, no longer an internal phone, but still reached for an emergency.

From tomorrow you change the air, country, region ...
scares me the idea I might not be a pretty good programmer, but I have the desire and ability to learn yet, and I have experience in the industry that the other lacks.
I am concerned about the idea of \u200b\u200bnot understanding a beloved while talking to each other in Austria, but I very much hope that they understand that it is appropriate to speak in Italian.
I shake the idea of \u200b\u200bnot knowing how to find accommodation and what if I will have a network cable to the "post-office."
incuriosce I know that yesterday it snowed since the 2000 meters, the mountains around are already capped ... and will make a nice chilly.

Tomorrow we start a few hours more ... and although I already know what will I leave, I am too anxious curious and do not start with the butterflies in my stomach tomorrow morning at seven.
I'll see how it goes ... and how is it to take.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Small Slide Projectors

Events, superstition, suitcases and signatures

tend'm not a superstitious person, but sometimes I allow myself an exception.

been almost three months since the events took a strange turn in my life. A strange turn, I do not mind at all, but totally unpredictable.

First, peace on the front. Despite the months passed, I still occasionally surprised when a fragment of my brain gives you an instant of joy and relief that peace. I do not mind at all the unexpected turn of events, and a piece of my being passes days in the countdown to the next convention for this ... and I only regret not having yet had the opportunity to meet again my friend found it, but make it up.

Then an email receipt, mail delivery and months of waiting to reach some of the most radical changes in my life so far.
From 1 September, a few hours, my life will change course by taking a turn unthinkable just a few months ago, a fold that I hoped and I have not said much because a part of me feared that fades. It is now extremely unlikely that anything could happen and disrupt the plans and then I may say so out loud, to admit beyond superstition: job change and set up home!
a few hours I made the case for the first day of new job: start at 7:00 in the morning of Wednesday, September 1, 2010. En route to San Martino in Passiria (BZ). Estimated arrival at 10:30. Estimated time for signing the employment contract of indefinite duration: 10.45 am. In a few hours I'll be a happy employee of a software company engaged in South Tyrol at the headquarters of a period before returning to the center of the Po Valley to sign the papers for the deed, setting up house and begin to make teleworking.

doing the math, I am indebted for much of my future life, buying a house that I do not know how long it will be mine, I do not know if he decorating sense at all points (strictly at IKEA) and this will be my home, my office and a large part of my world for months, and perhaps some years to come.

The changes do not ever scared me that much, and this is a change that I want now from the middle of the past years on this earth, but the rapidity with which it materialized is impressive.
Three months ago I was about to enter a competition to try to get a job as a programmer for the control and management of the clinic, then suddenly a curriculum mandate, received a phone call, an interview done and I found myself en route towards the province of Bolzano.
It has lengthened the time to give a chance to become present to my future ... but there was a transformation: an offer received I had no way of opposing a counter to weigh, and I found myself having to choose between an uncertain future, with a fixed-term contract and the words "outsourcing" and " exuberance "on the horizon, and a bright future for an indefinite period, well-paid, with the words" growth "and" opportunities "that stood out in gold block letters.
E 'was like having to choose between a kick in the pants and the possibility of my house ... also because it was exactly the choice I had to do.

Once found that my future was in that Merano is the game hunt for a house that could accommodate my office, and the draft of a lease I have to be able to enlarge the prospect of a purchase ... in mid-September and the games will be made and the loan started.

And then there were the (too short) vacation, based on cemeteries and museums of friends not seen for some time and with a touch of beautiful, fun and exciting Shakespeare. And after the holidays the last few weeks working absurdly full. And on both sides of all these things, the novelty of the CEPU and the nights spent on the IKEA website to try to make ends meet and need accounts. A

illogical, it is imperative, luck had imposed silence me three months ago, then the commitments prevented the thoughts of taking writing.
But now things are changing, and these thoughts aloud, and the frightening prospect of the future, now that is present, but tempts you earn and the hours become a resource you can rely on: a space to devote to projects in too bisfattati recent weeks, the last few months, the last year ... and the space in which to flesh out new projects that are currently hovering at the edge of conscious thought.

You never know, but now that luck has been abandoned, is lighter than the thought that jumping on the pastures of the future.