Sunday, October 31, 2010

5.1 Receiver Hdmi Upconvert

Returns, bridges, and moving quantum effects

continue my life on the A22, although more and more often I find myself also on the A4.

traveling to and from the province of Bolzano, I discovered something I never suspected: Isoradio does not cover the whole country! Indeed, north of Mantua can be virtually certain of being unable to hear any news that relates to the rest of Italy, at least if you're on the Brenner.

In itself, this discovery would not have done neither hot nor cold Thursday if there were not further quantified the number of miles (between eight and ten) of the junction between tail A22/A4 and Mantua.

Thursday evening I was returning alp from my tech for a day of leave which would see me in Lucca during the Games ... unfortunately my Moretta had the bright idea of \u200b\u200bgetting (accusing me of bringing a virus in lowland South Tyrolean doped by antibodies to my survival ... even if none of this has been demonstrated or supported by other data that were not his accusations) and then skipped the trip to Tuscany is miserably.
However, while my father felt that the next day I would be home to give a hand to clean my kitchen (newly installed) and the rest of the furniture (at this point ... less than a complete pair more chairs that I bought today ...) by arranging the move, he informed me of the tail.
thereafter, two kilometers, began pounding the sequence listing by the information boards on the highway ... Unfortunately Isoradio was silent and I could not update me in any way (I do not know why, but the frequency of traffic information Brenner to my car radio does not like ...).

arrived at Verona, alarmed by the idea of \u200b\u200bpotentially tens of kilometers to a crawl (I'll never know what the situation was problematic, but the word "code" does not lend itself to interpretations ever optimistic), I opted alternative for the ride: Verona-Bologna-Padova.
overall outcome of the trip:
- departing from San Martino in Passiria
at 18:00 - arrival in Bologna 22:00 pm
- made stops 0.
Nothing to wonder when I arrived I felt a little bit.

Although the premise is not exciting, the two following days have been profitable from the point of view of the arrangement of my new home and, hopefully, tomorrow will begin the first materials to walk the seven kilometers between my house from my house .
Tonight, then, for the first time I sleep in my sunny mansion fair.
point out that is not the first time we sleep: Already last week, I inaugurated the mattress, but that night my light was with me.

Days Emilia hano me a bit 'reloaded. Of course, mileage is a significant amount, like things done and people I met (also thanks to the annual social event at the home of Paola in Bologna that), but I definitely need to get your fill of Enego: the weeks ahead I will put a strain on my endurance .
in order: the prospects for the coming week are three days (after the Monday holiday) in subtirolo, return to this Thursday night in Bologna, during the day Friday in Milan (both thanks to the Lord Frecciarossa), night flights at a time Liguria and Genoa weekend.
The next two weeks are likely to be even worse ... Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on a permanent basis in Milan on Thursday and Friday in San Martino in Modena telecommuting ... With a note of suspense about where to sleep Wednesday evening in Milan, Modena or San Martino?
begin to have moments when I feel like a quantum particle in a delocalized state: where I'll wake up tomorrow morning?
Thriller night aside, I think if anything will survive the month of November will be more to test my endurance.

Also part of the "energy charge" a note on a movie night in Bolzano spent the last week: during the twenty-fifth anniversary of "Back to the Future", with David (fellow South Tyrol) I went to see this absolute gem in the history of cinema in the splendor of remastered version on the big screen.
evening which is always exciting when the song "Power of Love" begins to resonate on a skateboard around the layers of Hill Valley. Positive
the evening in terms of the company: David is nice, and although at first I thought it was very quiet, and actually quite willing to talk ... probably what the back is his mastery of the language of Dante, but perhaps the evening with a talkative like me with no brakes may have helped a little '(then working for the project leader who had hoped that my presence in office would help to strengthen This Italian language, but not very rooted in my fellow Teutonic-speaking South Tyrol - Or almost).


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