Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Prism 7 Inch Tv Review

Two weeks, six beds

's now two weeks that have been around for Italy more than usual, hopping from city to city ... from a hotel room to another ... from house to house ... from bed to bed.

dizzy thinking about it, but I try to take stock of the situation, going over the last two weeks of nights spent around.
2:03 November - San Martino in Passiria, Garni Gurnau (room 4)
November 4 - Bologna, my brunette
5:06 November - Genoa, my brunette
November 7 - From my
8, 9, 10 November - Milan, Hotel Carlyle Brera (room 203)
November 11 - At home
12, 13, November 14 - From my
November 15 - Milan, Hotel Carlyle Brera (room 506)

This morning when I woke up, it took me a while to figure out which way was the bathroom ... Fortunately, in almost all my accommodations, I sleep to get out of bed on the same side, or even the simplest actions require concentration.
I did a quick calculation of mileage ... Well, let's say I tried and I gave up. Even just to have finished in the Nov. 5 football: Bologna dawn, at midday in Milan, at sunset back to Bologna, in Genoa the night ... too much not to get lost in the accounts.

My stay in Milan, then, convinced me (more than they already were convinced) that this city has something wrong I'll be provincial, but I find it abhorrent that people consider normal stay in office more than 10 consecutive hours. I find it absolutely incomprehensible how one can complain about the fact that he was late for the umpteenth time, maybe losing a train back home, and do not actively do something, the next day, to prevent the event from occurring again.
At times, some Milanese give me the impression of wanting to be able to complain of life that are alienating, and that autoimpongono. Probably not even their fault, just fall for the mechanism by which if you're not a life, and work in certain sectors, six out of place in this city.
Absurdly, even though I hate this kind of situation, the fact that only a business trip and under contractual maturities pushes me to do the same alienating life (with an evening last week, where I was working in hotel until nearly four o'clock in the morning). I hope that my healthy and provincialism that vein fancazzista that dwells in me, save me from becoming one of the Body Snatchers workaholic.

For now, the prospect of another day in Milan, followed by a day and a San Martino in telework at home is enough for me to make me feel even lost a ball in a pinball machine ... Hoping to not be hit too hard by one of the "bumper" of my new life of a wanderer ...


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