Thursday, January 20, 2011

Freezing Onhard Drive Recorder

IT HAS guess! He says

Battisti Serracchiani, and 'a criminal and must pay

Intervention in Strasbourg on January 19, 19:45
(ANSA) - TRIESTE, JANUARY 19 - Baptists''and 'a common criminal who should go to jail to pay for his crimes.''

The MEP said the PD Deborah Serracchiani, today in Strasbourg participated in the press conference of relatives of victims of the former terrorist. According

Serracchiani''and its refusal to extradite 'a slap to the right and a terrible insult to the families of victims, that after many years still await justice. To this day, for the second time, the European Parliament will ask 'with a plebiscite vote extradition from Brazil of Baptists, for which - said - can not' be no excuse, no justification ideological caricature of impunity 'in has been enjoying.'' (ANSA).

License Plate 60318-07


Today, the Senate and House have confirmed their confidence in the Government and have done so on a sensitive issue and very important for citizens to report to the Minister on the Alfano the state of justice in Italy. The opposition have once again put together all their votes in an attempt to topple the government but as happened last December 14, they lost.
If today we were defeated, the left and the so-called third prong would go on all the television networks to support the lack of a majority and then to ask the inevitable resignation of the Government. Instead we won
us, with a margin of twenty votes!
is why I consider today's vote as that of 14 December: a vote of renewed confidence in me and the Government which I chair. But even a vote of confidence in justice that comes as the President of the Council is unfairly attacked for the umpteenth time in court.
I finally had the opportunity to read the 389 pages of the last real judicial persecution, the twenty-eighth in 17 years, the Milan prosecutor's office notified me with great fanfare and wanted a few days ago.
violations of law that were committed in these surveys are so many and so incredible that I can not tell because you can not denounce and you carry a message to your friends that you are trying to subvert the popular vote.
think that my house Arcore has been subjected to continuous monitoring which covers the period from January 2010 to control all the people coming and going and for how long you stayed.
They used sophisticated techniques as if they were to make a raid against the mafia, or Camorra.
In my home always carries out the function of government and parliament, even having informed the House of Representatives since 2004, and the violation that has been accomplished is particularly serious because it goes against the most basic constitutional principles.
But this behavior is very serious for the common because the city takes away any possibility of privacy. Know that the Milan prosecutor's office in writing as I suspect only on December 21 last year, coincidentally just seven days after the vote of confidence in Parliament, and therefore all previous surveys were formally addressed to others, but basically kept watch over my own Housing and me.
All this could happen to anyone of you.
also disputed the facts that come under the same prosecutor had been committed in my capacity as President of the Council of Ministers.
as prescribed by the law and the Constitution, within 15 days after initiation of investigations, the prosecutor should have sent all acts with the Court of Ministers, the only one responsible for all these events.
E 'grave, again, that the prosecutors will continue to investigate without being entitled to do so. Among other things, the Milan prosecutor's office was not even responsible for the area. In fact, the crime of extortion is challenged me as if it had been committed in Milan. This is clearly unfounded, as the police officer who received my call at that time was, as is clear from these investigations, in Sesto San Giovanni. So was the local jurisdiction and the Court of Monza. As you can see an impressive series of violations. I would go immediately to the courts to counter these allegations and to get a quick storage, but can not submit to prosecutors who have no jurisdiction or territorial or functional, but not to condone the illegality that I'm complaining.
Again, I would go right by the courts because the alleged facts are so absurd that it would be easy to dismantle the prosecution's theorem. Think I was accused of having forced or induced the manager of the police to intervene in the detention of this girl, Ruby.
you read the responses of officials at the prosecutor where he describes my call, "the security guard told me the doctor's hand the Prime Minister because there is a problem. Immediately after the prime minister told me that there was a girl in police station north African origin who had been mentioned as a nephew of Mubarak and a Regional Councillor, Mrs. Minetti, it would take over this girl. The call ended this way. " But I think this can be considered a threat to call? This is absolutely ridiculous.
But just as absurd as it is claimed to be the story of Ruby, where you deny me sex with a girl under 18 years. This girl said to the lawyers and a thousand times to all Italian and foreign newspapers than ever, ever had sex with me and that was presented, believed by all as shown by numerous testimonies, such as a twenty-four Egyptian, Furthermore, both she and her lawyer have radically denied having requested or received offers of money. And I read what I said the same Ruby in a statement signed and authenticated by his lawyers: "I've never had any kind of sexual relationship with Mr Silvio Berlusconi. Nobody, neither Mr Berlusconi nor any other person, has ever suggested the possibility of obtaining money or other benefits in exchange for a willingness to have sexual relations with Mr. Silvio Berlusconi. I might add that, instead, I received from him, as a form of help, given my particular situation of difficulty, a sum of money. When I met the Hon. Berlusconi, I have shown my family and personal status as follows: I said you have 24 years to be of Egyptian nationality (not Moroccan) to be originally from a family of high social level, especially being the daughter of a famous Egyptian singer. I told him also of being in trouble for being disowned by my family of origin after I converted to Catholicism. "
is why I would do the job right away, with such conclusive evidence, but judges non-partisan and not with PM who want to use this incident as an instrument of political struggle.
The same PM who ordered a show of force with at least 150 men a massive operation search warrant against girls guilty only of having been my guest in some dinners.
These raids against people who were not even investigated, but only witnesses were carried out with utter contempt for the dignity of their person and their privacy. Have been abused, mocked, forced to undress, bodily searched, photographed all his clothes, seized all the money, credit cards, jewelry, phones and computers. Were taken to police headquarters, some not even able to call a lawyer and held there from eight in the morning until eight at night without eating and without being able to have any contact with the outside. Treated, therefore, as a dangerous criminal anti-mafia operation.
A process unworthy of an irregular and violent rule of law which can not remain without an adequate response.
There was no bribery, there was no forced prostitution, let alone minors. There was nothing to be ashamed of me. There is only one serious attack of some prosecutors who trampled the laws for political purposes with great media coverage.
I am peaceful, serene even been you because the truth always wins. The Government will continue to work and Parliament will make the necessary reforms to ensure that any judge can no longer try to take out people who have been unlawfully elected by the citizens.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

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Message from the President Silvio Berlusconi to the promoters of Liberty

Dear friends and dear friends,
this is the first time that I address you in the new year. A year that will be crucial for many aspects of our future. A year in which we will call a special effort to make Italians understand what we did and we are doing, to build an Italy more modern, more liberal, more prosperous ...
And this despite the fact that every day in so many to try to put a spoke in wheels, with daily attacks and assaults in addition to parliamentary maneuvers and palace conspiracies which as you know we had to foil.
The last episode, the Constitutional Court ruling on such failure, has been used once again by our opponents to attack in a disorderly way. In reality it is a ruling that, despite many questionable aspects, the system confirms the validity of the law, while making it more difficult to apply. But most do not bother me because I have nothing to fear from processes frankly absurd on its merits. So absurd as to be incredible that many magistrates have devoted much time and devote many resources to events and frankly ridiculous.
I can not wait to defend myself in court against accusations as absurd. But I do not think, and why our majority had wanted the law, I do not think that serves the country with a continuing war between politics and the judiciary. I believe we must instead work carefully, work in a calmer atmosphere, to jump-start Italy, and to complete the reforms and I believe that I, as Chairman of the Council, I should not waste so much time events so absurd .
As for me, since I went into action to serve the country, is a clear act of political persecution by magistrates of the left supported by the political left, a persecution that has been structured in 105 investigations and in 28 trials, the record I think all of human history in any country in the world.
These processes have committed my defenders hearings in 2560, with more than 1,000 judges intervened at a cost to me of over € 300 million on lawyers and consultants and I think at a cost of an equal amount for the state and then for taxpayers.
And especially none of these miscarriages of justice that I have tarnished the judges have paid the duty.
The 28 processes have resulted in:
• 10 • 13 acquittals
filings and 5 are still ongoing processes:
None of these processes is related to my work as a government as Prime Minister.
I think any comment is superfluous. They are the same numbers to denounce the political-judicial persecution to which I have been and are submitted with the clear purpose to kill me, since I am considered by the left and its judges, an insurmountable obstacle, and then be removed by any means to achieve power.
As for the ongoing processes are all processes grotesque, ridiculous, invented by the left PM, the processes for this not bother me at all.
Certainly, without a legitimate obstacle I have to take time activity of government, but left the courts certainly do not mind.
I want to remember that the legitimate impediment "postponed" the discussion of the process, but suspended the time of prescription.
frankly I expected that after the court ruling, to start, wait at least a week. Instead, the PM could not resist and Milan the same evening they sent me their business cards for the new year and the opportunity came up with the crime of "private dinner at the home of President."
I have concluded that that make me jealous and tease for not being invited too.
But there are some people happy, they are my lawyers. I am sure that I will never lack work.
But if I wanted to take seriously an initiative that is not really serious, I'd say you have exceeded all limits and that some judges who could not even investigate for reasons of territorial and functional competence are attempting to subvert the basic rules of democracy.
Some people come once was enough for dinner at my house, the home of the Prime Minister, to have their mobile phone controlled and monitored their movements for a few months before he was even officially started the preliminary investigation against me.
As usual it will all end tomorrow in the newspapers that cried foul mud and spreading poison to me with an intrusion into my private life that has no precedent in the history of our country and which demonstrates the need for action urgently to avoid certain judges may with impunity violate the privacy of citizens pressing their freedom.
Then, as usual, this story will end in anything because it is based in nothing but in the meantime the Prime Minister and Italy have been muddy and no one pays anything.
We return to the political situation.
Only those who are in bad faith can deny that despite all obstacles, despite the political season so difficult, our government has been able to cope without the social dramas global economic crisis. Only those who are already in bad faith in denying that these two and a half years we have achieved a period of reform that has few precedents in Italian history.
remember only two reforms: fiscal federalism and the reform of the University, that alone will change the face of this country for years to come.
But of course remains to be done. Italy has dramatically needs to modernize in its infrastructure, its administrative machinery, in its institutional rules.
The events of recent days, the Fiat is a watershed event, among those who, by business and the union, they want to modernity, and those who delude themselves that they can exploit the workers to return to the past.
As always, the main party of opposition is divided, not a line, does not have the courage to marry the road to modernity.
also why we must continue to govern, our strong consensus in parliament is growing, and remains high in the country. We therefore welcomed with the willingness of many members to senators to back the majority in the name of national responsibility.
We had indicated in late January to see if the government can count on a good majority, but even before we are certain that the numbers are sure to go on to complete the reform program, and then the legislature.
Our majority is always strong, again, is strong in numbers, there is strong popular support that has never failed, is strong as a reliable ally of the League and two new "Groups of national responsibility" that are forming in Parliament, the House and Senate. A group of moderate senators and deputies who, while coming from different political acronyms, they realized that the attempt to overthrow the government on December 14 was a genuine act of absolute irresponsibility and madness in a time of global economic crisis.
These new "groups of national responsibility" is the third leg of the majority together with the People of Freedom and the League and allow the government to press ahead in implementing the program.
The Government will complete its program and then complete the term, I am absolutely convinced me.
remember, however, that the reforms are not the sole obligation of the government, because government must first rule, meaning that it must manage, must remain in place public finances, to pay regular salaries to civil servants, pensions to be paid on time 18 million pensioners, should financially support those who become unemployed. It must ensure the safety of citizens, must defend the territory from the interference of illegal immigrants must serve the interests of Italy in Europe and worldwide. And all this we did and we do it in a superlative way.
Dear friends, dear friends,
the task for you is important. E 'to tell, to explain, to persuade. On the streets, among the people, places of work, forming the real opinions of the people. The newspapers tell - unfortunately - mainly gossip and play more and more a work of disinformation.
We are people of action. And that you must do to understand better the Italians.
With your commitment, with your help I am sure that as always we will succeed.
So to all a good 2011, a year of commitments, but also, you will see, of great success in your lives and in our struggle for freedom. Still
all an affectionate hug and a good year.

Friday, January 7, 2011

D2nt Crashes Unhandled


We are reading all about the relationship between Julius and Silvio, on the one hand, a technique that aims to stabilize the situation on the budget and other Silvio who wants to have funds for revive the economy. I trust intuition if Silvio wants to cut capacity after crossing the plate put on investment at the cost of debt do believe is right. I hope that Julius
of which I have great confidence as we do not go to their head, who led him into politics when he was a distinguished stranger? Silvio! Who allowed the huge consensus to take important ministerial posts? Silvio
should not make the same mistake he did Fini ie 'to believe that they can be independent of Silvio Berlusconi without Federalism if the dream he and the league!