Monday, March 14, 2011

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Dear friends,
in recent days we have clearly demonstrated that the will of the government and the majority to ensure continuity and stability to the country of government and those pursuing the implementation of major reforms that have been postponed for too long. The polestar of our action is set in the five goals adopted by a large majority in the Parliament on 29 September: justice, federalism, fiscal reform, public safety, the revival of the South faithful to the program which we introduced voters in 2008, and voted on by Parliament we are keeping faith with all its commitments and finally, this week, with an extraordinary Council of Ministers, we have also approved the justice reform, a reform that is why I have called the epoch-making aimed at creating conditions to return to the citizens confidence in a fundamental service of the State which should be fair justice, which is achieved through a fair trial, the trial where the prosecution and the defense have equal footing in front of a judge finally the third, finally detached from the PM.
As you know, this balance between the prosecution and defense is gone and there was a long time, the scales of justice hanging and hanging without exception by the prosecution to the detriment of citizens, and not really chance that the confidence in the justice is now zero. If any foreign company is to invest more in Italy, the first reason is the absence of a reliable and of reasonable duration, an unquestionable reality, as we have 9 million backlog of civil and criminal matters and the Italian justice is 156mo out of 180 countries in the ranking by the World Bank because of the excessive length of trials, lasting on average three times the average Western Countries.
Since 1994 we have engaged in election campaigns to re-establish justice, but our efforts were thwarted because Fini and his timely, giustizionalisti and state have always put across, in accordance with the current left of the judiciary. Now that its purposes and are no longer with us, the majority - albeit more limited in numbers - is more cohesive and determined and this will allow us to bring to Parliament a constitutional reform of justice is absolutely balanced and modern.
is not a law on a personal basis, not a reform to a person or a person, why not apply to pending lawsuits and then the opposition can not say that applies to my processes. It 'a reform for the Italians, is respectful of constitutional principles, has as its objective - as I said and I repeat - the due process and justice finally right in the interests of citizens, who have the right to have a really top court the parties, a court that is separate and independent third Advocate of the prosecution, so we will call the PM, but that is now part of the same order of judges who judge, operates in the same offices, and has significant weight in determining the career advancement of all magistrates.
This reform will go through Parliament in ten laws for implementation, which we have already prepared, and will lead to historic changes.
- The first will be the career separation between the judiciary and the order of prosecutors, which will be sanctioned by the institution CSM of two, both chaired by the Head of State, with an equal number of directors that stipendiary magistrates and lay advisers, that members appointed by Parliament, so that will put an end to the excessive power of the current politicization of the judiciary, which have transformed the Council of the Judiciary in a kind of Third House policy ever ready to criticize the government and Parliament to intervene with even more comments on the discussion in the Chambers.
- Second Change: The constitutional principle of mandatory prosecution will but must be applied according to the criteria that will be provided by Parliament each year. The obligation has now turned into an absolute discretion of the PM, instead pursuing the cases with high media visibility of crime and against political enemies. With the reform of Parliament will give the priority to be influenced by the prosecution.
- Third innovation in applying the principle that the law is equal for everyone, even the judges will have to answer for their actions on the civilian, and therefore any serious errors, exactly as they are called to do all other state officials and all professionals to begin by doctors. So the citizen victim of a miscarriage of justice may take action against the magistrate was wrong, just as with a doctor who is wrong.
- Fourth innovation: the judgments of acquittal, acquittal at first instance will no longer be appealed, and this will prevent a citizen accused of committing a crime, trial, and then declared innocent, may be called in the infernal circle of processes and appeal in cassation, when his innocence was recognized in the first trial: a terrible ordeal that ruined the lives of anyone who is subjected to such a dramatic experience. The PM, who will be called "prosecutors" continue to have the cooperation of the police for investigation, but must do so with a different ratio to be determined by a special Act of Parliament that the police can do better their job.
- Finally, to combat the slowness of the proceedings, which has become an enemy of justice, Government has prepared an action plan that provides for the digitization of notifications and all the acts of the clerks to break down the times of both civil and criminal proceedings. Plan that we will continue with an ad hoc law, in line with the reform.
Dear friends,
in the coming days and in the coming weeks we will have to respond to the numerous attacks that left red robes and have already started to topple him in an attempt to obstruct and prevent this reform. But we know we have a very valid arguments to refute any criticism and again, a determined and cohesive majority in Parliament. We are a major reformist party, which is faced with a conservative opposition that is not the interest of the country to do harm to Berlusconi.
If this reform had been made on time, the recent history of Italy would have been different. There would have been overflowing its banks constitutional judiciary that led government to cancel an entire class of 1992-93, which caused the killing of our first government in 1994, which has also led to the downfall of a government left because of their imprudent proposal to reform the justice made by the Minister Mastella, just as it would have to continue the ongoing effort to eliminate the current government claims.
I say this with maximum objectivity and serenity, because these facts are now consigned to history.
our part but there is only the goal of working for the good of Italy, and finally remove an anomaly, even a serious illness of our democracy.
Dear friends,
this time no going back, even if we, with the liberal spirit that moves us, we will definitely open to additions and improvements which may also be recommended by our opponents as long as it is not distorted the 'overall system reform.
I am convinced that the text submitted to Parliament is a very balanced text, which will test the actual credibility of the left and his willingness to dialogue.
insist on calling you all to a strong sense of responsibility, convinced that this reform can be truly a major step forward for the strengthening of our democracy. About this time it will pull back will have no justification.
The great Alexis de Tocqueville said: "Of all the worst dictatorships is that of the judges." Here, this reform we will try to avoid that this will happen and you must help us to explain to all Italians " .
A big hug to all



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