Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ntitle:i-catcher Console-web Monitor



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Dear friends. From
vote on Tuesday. those who have caused the blow to Fini live another kind of attack. Da Silvano Moffa in Catia Polidori, Finian's ex who did not vote no confidence in the Berlusconi government are constantly vilified by both ex mates Finian is by members of the center. The main target is
Catia Polidori. He suffered repeated threats to his safety, was insulted by some Finian and leftists. They spread lies about her and her family, saying that she would vote pushed by personal interests. On this point, here are some elements that could be useful for explaining the truth and defend those who, in a gesture of responsibility, he said Berlusconi's government.
1. The Cepu not belong to his family, who does not have any participation or share in the partnership either direct or indirect (to verify it is sufficient to control the business profile). No member of his family works or has ever worked for Cepu.
2. During the vote on the bill Gelmini quote on-line universities, the Hon. Polidori emerged from the Chamber for the avoidance of conflicts of interest, as Francesco Polidori knows she was born as both originating in the same village of 32 inhabitants near Citta di Castello.
3. None of the activities of his family has never received public funding in the past or has never entertained "business" with the activities of President Berlusconi (there are only 40 years of hard and honest work of his father, a businessman in the first generation).
4. The Polidori structures, where someone said that he would receive aid or loans has been sold by his family 11 June 2007, ie well before the Hon. Polidori was elected to the Parliament, and his foundation has never received public funding.
5. In the vote of confidence in the Government was consistent with the views expressed and widely reported by newspapers and television. As early as July 29, at the signing of the resignation from the PDL and input in Fli, and in the months to follow its position has remained unchanged: he never considered useful for the country lacking confidence that the government won the election. From last Tuesday
Polidori lives under guard. E 'is the silent house his company. And 'the subject of a relentless campaign on local and national media and the Internet. In the middle of this siege, we have reported a page in its support, which are here: http://www.facebook.com/ # / pages/Io-sto-con-la-Polidori/174023329285949 .
is worth to join, as a sign of solidarity ...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dee Fredrix – And So I Will Wait For You


Silvio Berlusconi won
Silvio Berlusconi won. For the umpteenth time. This ensures
continuity and stability of government. It 's all very simple,
clear: there is scrambling to hold, there is no chorus
comforting like "Pyrrhic victory". The prime minister and the government accordingly
reinforcing. The elections are secondary hypothesis, on
background, and also in the hands of Berlusconi and the center of this.
But today, for a long time, and predictably, it goes with the aim
intact and the possibility to complete the term and keep all
engagement with voters. Ensuring continuity does not mean you have won the game
a day, I tore a result for three
votes, as others say, chewing on bitter. Those three votes
obtained from an initial situation numerically negative, against everything and everyone
Montecitorio, indicate that this coalition and this Prime Minister
have something extra, an added value that the other lacks: the ability
reference and attraction. Forget the transfer market,
argument laughable. Who then when it is deployed with
Berlusconi has done for the reason stated at the outset: to ensure the continuity
precisely. The markets were following with bated breath the
yesterday if he wished, but hoped the speculation
contrary. If the hoped - that more was leaked unofficially - even
the Quirinale. And if he wished the social forces and entrepreneurial activities. In short, if you wished
the country. We need government, as in every country and
particularly at this time. And Berlusconi has shown
again to be the only possible leader for Italy.
The government goes on, and continuity is assured, because we need to defend the national interest
within the euro area, it is necessary to guard the public accounts
: This is the first reason. Go ahead because you need
give final go-ahead later this year to some laws and reforms, the decree
University one thousand extensions. Why are the decrees on
federalism and there is a plan for the South All this immediately. How
the future, and we raised it again from here. But without continuity, without
stability, without a confirmed leader, nothing would have been possible:
either restart or recovery or reform, or maintenance commitments
and electoral pact. Nor, above all, the interests of the country: not
was certain to remain without a government or face a crisis in
dark, but to have a stable ride, clear, recognizable by a majority
and compact, it continues to lead to long-Italy.
Source: The Notebook
The real loser is Fini
"The president of the rooms on. Fini is the real loser. He went
until the last minute without any respect of its institutional neutrality
any action disheartened the Berlusconi government. After
shown not to have fulfilled its role, it has the political and
for Italians because this is the logical conclusion that can be drawn from
his work. " "It is one thing want to extend most consistently
and another account, with the aggravating circumstance of the current crisis, want to maneuver with
palace and in league with those who lost the election
wanting to subvert the election results and the mandate that voters gave the president
Berlusconi and the coalition that makes up his government.
the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies have rewarded the absolute consistency and
the determination with which Prime Minister Berlusconi has defended
this time the interest of the country. " "On 14 December in the classroom of Deputies
there were not only all the members - but millions and millions of
Italians who wanted to, supported and hoped that with the motion of no confidence
would not pose any serious alternative, but only
army Brancaleone. The Italians have understood, yes, and that Di Pietro Fini
were allies to send home Berlusconi. "
Isidoro Gottardo
(FVG Regional Coordinator PDL)
determining the will of the people who signed in mass to the tents of the PDL

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Good Rifle Scope For The Money


casino perche'Fini success would be a modern European right. The reform of the Justice and Treasury have been blocked for that. The Government and 'paralyzed by 3 months' cause Fini had these big ambitions.
Apart from that I think could very well have to wait two years to make his modern European right. but the question that arises is': IF ONE WANTS TO ESTABLISH A RIGHT IN ITALY AND MODERN EUROPEAN IS ASSIGNED TO INVESTIGATE AND THEN AND HALF acquitted CAMORRA DiPietro?? Come on, come on, you too modern to be a bad end, and 'why are conservative and traditionalist.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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by Dagospia

Dagotraduzione the "Lex Column" in the Financial Times
FT Berlusconi Give a little 'credit Silvio Berlusconi. The Italian prime minister, who survived a motion of no confidence yesterday in the last vote, did not as bad as its many critics feared. On the contrary, the country has taken, Italian banks have avoided the worst consequences of the credit bubble, GDP growth has remained low but relatively stable, inflation has been moderate, the debt / GDP grew less than in most developed countries, and the Italians are still buying almost all the bonds issued by the state (also if the spread with German bunds has been widening).
Lex on December 15 of Berlusconi the moral weaknesses of Mr. Berlusconi's business opaque and the idiosyncrasies policies do not attract us. But if a prime minister less self-centered and less self-indulgent could make more progress in tackling the big Italian institutional problems - that political corruption, the South permanently weak, too tax evasion and organized crime - none of them has so worsened since 2001, when Berlusconi began his second term as prime minister. It appeared to have ruled throughout the following decade (except for two years).
the grimace of Gianfranco Fini
For most of this period, his political position was weak in Italy, Mr. Berlusconi has not yet resorted to a populist budget, threatening the finances public. When the recession hit the economy, it was agreed with the Treasury Minister Giulio Tremonti-supported by competent bureaucrats and non-politicized: Italy could not afford a substantial fiscal stimulus. Some Italians have preferred to receive a wave of money borrowed by the government, rather than a rhetoric of "we are all well and loving life on the front pages of the prime minister, but investors should thank him.
Tremonti If there was a more attractive, this would make the discussion much stronger against Mr. Berlusconi, but the fragmented opposition can not offer clear strategies and neither sensible nor a more competent leader. The fact that nobody is selling over the Italian government bonds after the failure of no-confidence motion - the spreads have moved just - it was more than justified.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dslr Camera Lessons Begineer


After days of great effort to prepare, here come the last day of satisfaction.
contact with people, with our people, I was amply rewarded for all the work, required permits for the occupation of public land, recovery of material, tables, banners, gazebo, information materials, organization of shifts of volunteers whom I thank for the skill and dedication, replacing the defections last minute due to illness, slalom with work and family commitments.
At 8.30 we are in trouble 'to mount the gazebo and we experience the same feeling of helplessness that you have in front of a product purchased at IKEA, two defections from disease and 2 delays for business reasons, including the volunteer who has experience in assembling gazebos, sottoforze see us, but , the reaction of passers-by, apparently sympathetic to the cause, allows us to overcome the embarrassment and the comedy 'of the situation at 9.15 with only a quarter of an hour late we are ready and proud in our beautiful gazebo.
In the meantime, however, people approach with a firm step, without being invited and signature, signature pissed off ..
The way we understand the signature desire to do something for the government.
often reject our publications with a list of work done by Berlusconi and his ministers saying, we know what government has done!
great to see the need these people to vent and communicate consent, sometimes critical of some government decision, suggestions, report problems and critical issues'. Meanwhile, in waves you create the row forcing us to create 4 points for the affixing of the signatures.
and down 'criticism of the purposes and traitors, the opposition, the press false and tendentious. At the banquet we
provisions of interesting books like "Fear and hope" for Tremonti, "Revolution in Progress" Brunetta, "Sickle and cart" and "The true story of Di Pietro" Filippo Facci, well after a while 'we had to remove the latter book,' cause even though we explain that the book is' critical to the former judge, do not want it to have it in front while they sign.
sure I'm not just roses and flowers, some lady indignantly refused our invitation to sign and throws acid on with unkind comments, a true democracy.
What is most 'fun' but was 'dark and disappointed to see the faces of the children of the Left and Freedom' who had set up a table in front of us, of course, their table was empty, and often there were not even the employees and This red spot appeared really a wound in our beautiful square. A
pair coming from Trieste complaining about not finding the list of the gazebo in the newspaper,
Trieste. Around 18
, because personal commitments, we begin to sbaraccare and people still ask them to be able to sign, even in full work in progress.
conclude a day among the people who confirmed the almost one thousand signatures that our beliefs about the goodness' of the operation of government are shared by many, many people.