Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Filming With A Monopod


by Dagospia

Dagotraduzione the "Lex Column" in the Financial Times
FT Berlusconi Give a little 'credit Silvio Berlusconi. The Italian prime minister, who survived a motion of no confidence yesterday in the last vote, did not as bad as its many critics feared. On the contrary, the country has taken, Italian banks have avoided the worst consequences of the credit bubble, GDP growth has remained low but relatively stable, inflation has been moderate, the debt / GDP grew less than in most developed countries, and the Italians are still buying almost all the bonds issued by the state (also if the spread with German bunds has been widening).
Lex on December 15 of Berlusconi the moral weaknesses of Mr. Berlusconi's business opaque and the idiosyncrasies policies do not attract us. But if a prime minister less self-centered and less self-indulgent could make more progress in tackling the big Italian institutional problems - that political corruption, the South permanently weak, too tax evasion and organized crime - none of them has so worsened since 2001, when Berlusconi began his second term as prime minister. It appeared to have ruled throughout the following decade (except for two years).
the grimace of Gianfranco Fini
For most of this period, his political position was weak in Italy, Mr. Berlusconi has not yet resorted to a populist budget, threatening the finances public. When the recession hit the economy, it was agreed with the Treasury Minister Giulio Tremonti-supported by competent bureaucrats and non-politicized: Italy could not afford a substantial fiscal stimulus. Some Italians have preferred to receive a wave of money borrowed by the government, rather than a rhetoric of "we are all well and loving life on the front pages of the prime minister, but investors should thank him.
Tremonti If there was a more attractive, this would make the discussion much stronger against Mr. Berlusconi, but the fragmented opposition can not offer clear strategies and neither sensible nor a more competent leader. The fact that nobody is selling over the Italian government bonds after the failure of no-confidence motion - the spreads have moved just - it was more than justified.


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