Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dslr Camera Lessons Begineer


After days of great effort to prepare, here come the last day of satisfaction.
contact with people, with our people, I was amply rewarded for all the work, required permits for the occupation of public land, recovery of material, tables, banners, gazebo, information materials, organization of shifts of volunteers whom I thank for the skill and dedication, replacing the defections last minute due to illness, slalom with work and family commitments.
At 8.30 we are in trouble 'to mount the gazebo and we experience the same feeling of helplessness that you have in front of a product purchased at IKEA, two defections from disease and 2 delays for business reasons, including the volunteer who has experience in assembling gazebos, sottoforze see us, but , the reaction of passers-by, apparently sympathetic to the cause, allows us to overcome the embarrassment and the comedy 'of the situation at 9.15 with only a quarter of an hour late we are ready and proud in our beautiful gazebo.
In the meantime, however, people approach with a firm step, without being invited and signature, signature pissed off ..
The way we understand the signature desire to do something for the government.
often reject our publications with a list of work done by Berlusconi and his ministers saying, we know what government has done!
great to see the need these people to vent and communicate consent, sometimes critical of some government decision, suggestions, report problems and critical issues'. Meanwhile, in waves you create the row forcing us to create 4 points for the affixing of the signatures.
and down 'criticism of the purposes and traitors, the opposition, the press false and tendentious. At the banquet we
provisions of interesting books like "Fear and hope" for Tremonti, "Revolution in Progress" Brunetta, "Sickle and cart" and "The true story of Di Pietro" Filippo Facci, well after a while 'we had to remove the latter book,' cause even though we explain that the book is' critical to the former judge, do not want it to have it in front while they sign.
sure I'm not just roses and flowers, some lady indignantly refused our invitation to sign and throws acid on with unkind comments, a true democracy.
What is most 'fun' but was 'dark and disappointed to see the faces of the children of the Left and Freedom' who had set up a table in front of us, of course, their table was empty, and often there were not even the employees and This red spot appeared really a wound in our beautiful square. A
pair coming from Trieste complaining about not finding the list of the gazebo in the newspaper,
Trieste. Around 18
, because personal commitments, we begin to sbaraccare and people still ask them to be able to sign, even in full work in progress.
conclude a day among the people who confirmed the almost one thousand signatures that our beliefs about the goodness' of the operation of government are shared by many, many people.


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