Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Darmowe Serwery Bez Reklam]darmowe

message supersilvio

Dear friends,
beyond the damage caused by yet another senseless and inexcusable judicial initiatives put in place by magistrates in Milan , the prime minister, the government and the majority have worked and are working hard to resolve the numerous problems that afflict us.
We tackled well the international economic crisis, but having avoided the worst consequences, we are still grappling with the need to create the conditions for a development that is solid and will be lasting.
Having ensured the maintenance of public finances and the state budget, have kept the social peace, have finally launched the reform of public administration, made the reform of schools and universities, supported by many measures businesses, all This now allows us to put the first bricks of the recovery and revitalization of the economy.
Our government, far from being paralyzed or locked, as opposed to the argument is saying is absolutely baseless, our government do not ever stopped a single moment. And now we want and we can go forward with a step which is further sent from the majority of our Fini and his, they always argue with all our initiative and purposely delaying the reforms, in particular, as you know, that justice and the wiretapping.
Over the past two months we have worked hard and submitted for final approval of the Parliament a series of important measures: the law of stability to continue to keep the budget in public safety, the university reform, the decree for the situation waste in Campania, the EU law, plus the decrees of the law on fiscal federalism, which represents the opinion of all reform landmark for the proper use of public money, as it will allow municipalities to combat tax evasion and allow taxpayers to check whether the taxes paid to match the quality of public services received.
Also last week the government's action was in the direction of growth: we have entered into an agreement with the banks extending up to three years the moratorium for the payment of debts of small and medium-sized enterprises, and this is a measure which has already helped some 200 000 companies and over the coming months will help a lot more out of the crisis, to return to production levels that generate profits and to ensure that thousands of jobs.
In the face of political and social crises that have invested and are investing in Tunisia and Egypt and other countries of North Africa and led to the influx of more than 5 thousand illegal immigrants in a few days, the government has emergency meeting and decided the state of emergency humanitarian assistance, which allows the immediate adoption with a civil protection order, the measures necessary to control the phenomenon and assist citizens fleeing from Tunisia and other countries.
Because this is a phenomenon that can become large very significant and it is not just about us and not about only Italy, but the whole of Europe, we asked for appropriate action of the European Union, and as soon as I bring the matter to the attention of the summit of EU heads of government and the European partners so that everyone takes responsibility concrete way to this emergency.
The Senate this week on a proposal from the government, approved the so-called Milleproroghe decree, which introduces important measures to support enterprises and households.
Among the many measures we have introduced: the restoration of social card purchases to allow food to the neediest people, with a major breakthrough which entrusts the management of charitable institutions. We have introduced rules support hauliers, with a fund of 30 million for the extension dell'ecobonus. We have introduced relief for banks, which is reflected positively on savers, we have introduced advances to municipalities in view of fiscal federalism , and are so many things that is hard even to remember them, we have restored five per thousand for the many associations or non-profit operating under the principle of subsidiarity.
The future agenda, I will convene the Council of Ministers to launch him in a few days and in special session on constitutional reform, this most important of Justice, by introducing the innovations of historic significance in the judiciary, to ensure that Italy will finally have a fair justice and also a justice worthy of a modern country, that without those injustices, those delays and inefficiencies that have discouraged those years also for foreign investors to come to work with us. There are inequities, inefficiencies and delays that have plunged to a minimum confidence of households and businesses in justice, which has increasingly become a political counter overflows from the constitutional principles and which is always less efficient and just a public service, which, instead everyone would like it to be.
Among the measures that will subject hereafter to Parliament, let me remind you: the division of the order prosecutor than judge, order the separation between judges and prosecutors and judges with a Council of the Judiciary, pm for one and one for judges, accompanies this news from an electoral reform of the Superior Council of Magistracy to reduce what is now a politicization that is excessive and that is unacceptable. We will also introduce more flexible procedures for invoking the civil liability of judges and also on wiretapping legislation that puts an end to abuses and violations of our privacy that can occur in the detriment of those who are not even investigated, with the introduction of new assurance standards that discourage the practice of newspapers to provide the result of interceptions as well as in all, all civilized countries, and between each other as in the United States, where those who pass interception to the press goes to jail and stay there for many years.
Let us therefore, I repeat, to work hard. Because, as happens in any liberal democracy, the government is legitimated by the popular vote and the right and duty, right and duty to govern if he has the support parliamentary majority.
We won all the elections of the last three years we won the parliamentary elections, European elections, the administrative and regional ones. Not only that. Over the past three months, Parliament has renewed eight times confidence in government, with a widening gap between majority and opposition, in favor of the majority.
We have never fed tensions or conflicts between the institutions, but we always worked with determination to make only the interest of Italy, and we were able to put families and businesses safe from the repercussions of the crisis.
Dear friends, I call you after you said perhaps too many things involved to do the things I've said this message to your family, your friends and your colleagues. Thank you for your commitment, which is proving increasingly valuable to counter the lies of our opponents.
I embrace you all and may you always keep the spirit of freedom of the missionaries, the missionaries of democracy, which has inspired you and motivates you and makes you so valuable to us all.
Thanks again, very warmly.



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