Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Dear friends,
turned back to you after a week full of events in Italy and worldwide.
While we have some judges persist in interfering in an unlawful manner than in the private lives of citizens and the newspapers seem to be concentrated only to look at these events, such as the keyhole in the world and more specifically to our borders, momentous changes are taking place.
The frustration, disillusionment, resentment arising from poverty and lack of democratic rules, could channel the protests that occurred in Tunisia and Egypt to the positions of ¹ Islamic fundamentalism and the rejection of the values \u200b\u200bof ¹ West.
For this we also have great responsibility: we strive to extend the benefits economic progress in all countries of the world, we must accommodate and support an orderly development of democracy in those countries that can be hard to get out of the schemes and can not rely on tried-liberal traditions.
For our part we can hardly live long in the island than on the whole happy, as our Europe, our West, which are surrounded by stormy waters and all sorts of dangers and threats.
For these reasons will be very important decisions to be taken by the next European summit, the G8 and the G20.
brings us to the problems of our country.
During this week, I said, there have been some important facts.
First, the Parliament rejected, in a single day, with a wide and qualified majority, the request of Milan prosecutors searched the offices of the political secretariat of a parliamentary one Silvio Berlusconi, as he always has the Government taken a step further than in approval of fiscal federalism, which will complete the approval in parliament in full compliance with the procedures laid down by the Law Reform (and the instructions of the Head of State).
This is a very welcome development, a fundamental reform to make Italy more than the modern and efficient.
E ¹ confirmation that the government is proceeding without hesitation in the implementation of our program, of which federalism is an essential point.
This reform will ensure that a substantial part of the resources remain in the territory that made them, but without neglecting the duties of national solidarity that requires the very fact of living a State of which will soon celebrate 150 years of ¹ units.
E ¹ significant that this anniversary coincides with its reform is so important and deep structure of our state ¹. Thanks to fiscal federalism citizens will be able to better control ¹ s use of resources, and local administrators will be more empowered. This will mean lower costs, more efficient services, a virtuous competition between regions to ensure better living conditions for citizens.
will mean even for the strongest regions the opportunity to better manage the wealth produced by their citizens. For the weakest regions mean the ability to unlock and bring into play all their resources and skills from a system of subsidies and waste to one of responsibility. It ¹ a major challenge for the regions in both North and South, that can and should demonstrate leadership at a height ¹ his function.
next Wednesday, finally, we will hold a council of ministers, in special session, for the launching of significant steps in economic development.
From the begin of the legislature to present our excellent team of government has worked with great energy, with a determination and a unity that has few precedents.
We achieved outstanding results in this way, that no government has ever been able to achieve in so little time.
Unfortunately, unexpectedly, has occurred in most of the diaspora Fli.
The paradox is that the seeds of division was inoculated to the internal than the People of Freedom from one of the founders of the new party on the ¹. Fini, elected by vote of its majority, as President of the Chamber.
Thus an endless stream of controversy, criticism and distinctions almost daily has come to overshadow the merits of ¹ action of our government and eventually led to the birth of a new parliamentary group and a new party, past all ¹ opposition in alliance with betraying the left's vote of the voters and delivering for the future of consensus, estimated by experts at ¹ 1.6%.
Despite this split, which has decreased logically the numbers of our majority in the last two months our government has presented for 8 consecutive times in front of the Parliament that there has always confirmed his confidence.
On the contrary ¹ opposition, while the government has consolidated and has grown stronger, l ¹ opposition has crumbled, it was divided, weakened, but continues to try to disrupt the than government action and ask for our resignation and early elections.
But we have not changed our position. We have always believed and believe that early elections are a detriment to our country.
L ¹ Italy needs stability, governance of a government that is able to govern and implement the reforms that are needed. This is particularly necessary at a time of continuing difficulties ¹ s economy and major upheavals in the world.
Our government in the first half of the legislature, despite the international economic crisis and the difficulties arising from the particular conflict of Italian politics, has achieved much: he kept the accounts in order, repealed the ¹ ICI, has preserved peace social assistance to all workers who have lost their jobs, has successfully conducted a stark contrast to the action than criminal organizations as it had never happened in history of the Republic, has stopped the ¹ illegal immigration, has made many reforms from the school all ¹ universities, federalism, has helped companies with lower taxes on overtime, with the moratorium on debt, with the shift of the payment of ¹ VAT upon receipt of payment the bill, defended well the interests of Italy than in Europe and the world, has brought important international orders to our companies, and then he never raised taxes, he never put his hands in the pockets of citizens.
I am absolutely certain that our government is capable of operating as effectively for two years at the end of abundant missing term and I am convinced that this government there is no alternative because there is than a good majority that supports both the House and the Senate and also because the left for some time, is not no credible alternative government.
And if we go to new elections, a new government will come back the same problems today, more aggravated by a long and vicious campaign.
We therefore have the duty to continue to rule here and now.
We will not distract from the controversy and we will not be intimidated by a ¹ opposition continues to pursue the worse the better.
am sure that citizens have clear who is working for the good of Italy ¹ and who does the opposite.
So be calm, spread as always, and I thank you very much, and take our message to me a strong, strong hug.


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