Monday, September 20, 2010

Best Bang For Your Buck Camcorders

Fighting to win

One thing I learned in all this time? continue ... fight to win, although more often than one would like to give up, because you do not get the desired results .. but the beauty is also in this, not today not tomorrow tomorrow still no results? no problem will keep trying until you succeed in your intention.
This article is about and 'especially dedicated to how I feel every time you fail a session .. then it is not bankrupt, even if there is no big catch is always a win .. the great outdoors in the company of nature, out of the rut in short ..
to fish in any one place and a new challenge for me even though I was already there and maybe I have already also made many catches .. The concern of having an enclosed
makes me grow .. continuous development and internal revolution in which I find the answer enigma .. The COAT
Many of us once coat for 2 / 3 times without even leaving the PES to understand why have coats for all those times ...
then push more and more to understand the errors of assessment, baiting I do ..
not always get the answers you need but passsione pushes me to try and grow ..
A short insert a new post where I hope to show some nice catch ...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sony Dsc F828off Camera Flash

A night under the roof

Day 9
My stay in the Dolomites has its pros and cons.
Today I fished a day counter!

After a quiet weekend away, even though there are resting at the center of the great plains, this morning I was waiting for the return of the mountains.
The day started fairly colorless: the load stuff in the car (with the additional inconvenience, this week, the jacket that I brought back for the training I have to do some key users of the new client company Thursday that Milan ... jacket, pace of aesthetic taste I decided to put on jeans and a polo shirt in sbucherò only the collar of a golf package with a "V" which I hope will give me an air cast semi serious without a shirt and tie) and I go an ATM. Stare weeks up here, stayed at a bed and breakfast, has the terrible effect of forcing me to dine at the restaurant every evening. Invariably
only after my evening walk and the call-rite to my archaeologist, within the restaurant, I greet the waiters (and the pizza maker who now gives me the face with his broken Italian) and order, eat and watch the world around trying not to give too much attention, pay and go back to your room.
Obviously, the mourners are known in the "pay" taken separately, the dinner cost little, but in the long run the tote is rising ... result, the ATM this morning was a must.

date back in the car and I move at a time of LPG dispenser ... I fully and in the meantime I discovered that there is a strike this week announced a few days, including Thursday ... my trip to Milan begins to seem woefully expensive, with the specter of petrol instead of the cheaper fuel.
I make the mental note to do a full tank of LPG is also once again came close to Merano (in order to increase autonomy for the fateful day) and calving to Vorta peaks.

The "brochisia" hitting motorists in the rain I pursued for nearly four hours and one hour later than usual, I reach the parking lot.
Unlike other week, I parked in the parking lot, "the bank" across the street from my place of rest: I parked directly in the parking lot of the "garni" saying that because I did thirty, thirty-one and I could do download the car before going to the office.
drain, later name is ... no Answer ... I still call ... No answer ...
curses softly, reloading the stuff in the car, and I go to the office, already tired at 11.30.

day working a bit 'way, but could have been worse.
In the evening, back to the hotel, unloading the car, within e. .. big surprise! Due to a small problem, instead of my "usual" room with double bed, bathroom with shower, sockets compatible PC and TV on the ground floor, this evening I have to stay in a "single" to the second floor. It only has one small flaw: it has no shower in the bathroom. If desired, it can use a ground floor, but just wanting. I shrugged absently
: vabbeh, never mind ... only once climbed the two flights of stairs (Twice to bring up all the stuff) I realize dell'agghiacciante truth: the room is an attic, with just a small skylight above the bed (leaning against the wall in front of the wall ... vicinissma given the small size the room), but so far, since it is only one night ... the problem is that the bathroom without a shower, wash basin and consists of only water! These people, does not call the bidet in the bathroom! New
sequela of swearing ... this time a bit 'less subdued, but still I refrain.

I go out, I go for my walk to the clubhouse of the golf club, avoid reaching the driving range (I'd be curious to see) after an altercation with a small dog small but obviously incazzosissimo tooth and outside and then go to dinner.

On my return in the room, after finishing the meal with a piece of strudel to brighten the evening I perceived as unfortunate, I am going to an evening playing Star Trek Online ... but the problem is that here, in my buggigattolo, plugs are provided "Italian-friendly!
get down low and ask the owner for an adapter ... Takes a little box, and extract fruta a series of adapters, no compatible ... in the end it is one that maybe can fit: I get to try, but the teeth of the plug is too large ... down again and try a new adapter ... After five minutes we find that it should be fine, even if maybe "could be a problem with the inside edge of the socket," he says ... I am confident I climb the stairs, I feel e. .. I discover that she's right! Wall outlets have "notches" in space that make my search.
swear, less quietly, cursing the idiocy of people who decide not to take struggling with a form that is standard in at least one of the neighboring territories.

back down the adapter back in the room, and I resign myself to the use of the system battery.
I try to play STO, but the connection jumps too much (too noisy tonight) and concluding something is not talked about.
dedicate the evening to facebook and then, almost at midnight, with the drums that seeks forgiveness to their fathers, I resign and go to bed ...

If I think that last week Savior, my former classmate in high school, I wrote (also on faceboiok) to envy my accommodation near Merano, a city that loves him, I wonder if it would accept the idea of make a change: after a night like this ...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


head in the clouds

Day 5 After a weekend back in the Po valley, characterized by a significant amount of mileage and an evening at the "Marketplace Reticulate" Villadose in Rovigo (I find that the term "rovigotto" is considered derogatory, then I will avoid even though I always felt that ...), just the beginning of the week I returned to my pasture.
a couple of days, the sky september "greeted us nicely: I was told that the sky here in September is usually blue and cloudless, even if the weather is a bit 'chilly, but we must take a holiday because it is from yesterday afternoon that the blue you have never seen even the shadow. In fact, today has not seen even the shadow of the entire sky, as it was covered by a thick blanket in which cloudy, damp and blessed, we spent the day all of us.
Leveraging the absence on holiday of a colleague, this week I have a location a bit 'less "on loan" to the one I had last week: I am at a desk next a window in an office instead of on the conference table. Through the windows I could see the forest across the valley, over the course of Passer (the river that runs through the valley and draw before throwing nell'Adige Merano at that), but today there are only shades of black pine middle of a vaporous cloud ... Very pleasant to see.

I brought my (already tried and tested new even when on holiday) camera, hoping to train and get some shots from the lens interesting ... when leaving the office I'll try to see what comes out, maybe my hand as a photographer could also improve a bit '.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Epsom Salt For Sinuses

Golf, strudel and the draw

Day 2 In
Passeiertal tourist opportunities are many, not least, there is the opportunity to play golf. Arises because, in that of San Martino in Passiria, a clubhouse, with an adjoining 18-hole course.
Golf is a sport that has always intrigued and fascinated me (probably a good share of responsibility must be attributed to Lotti and its spa-ghe-tti "... distant memories that my mom!) For this, released from 'office, I moved my feet at a time of golf club: curiosity, mostly, and a desire to stick to my resolution to take a stroll.
Well, I might say that a course of eighteen holes can have its own extension, and if you have the bright idea of place the clubhouse to the extreme as far as possible from the street, the passer-by who want to come and take a stroll (and maybe see if there are any courses that you never know ...) should scofanare a non-negligible - and Another very pleasant - the amount of walking street.

After a walk like that, and bearing in mind that today - a little 'time due to lunch break two hours earlier than I was used - I have not had lunch, at dinner I allowed myself a bit' of dessert: a piece of strudel to close the evening with a pizza stuffed with products of the valley.
nice time at the end of a day not bad.

At this point, remains in front of me, the evening: the head in the Reggio Emilia where the draw will be held tonight for the league schedule of Modena improvisation, and Star Trek Online. Quiet evening in the end.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Compatible Manual Lenses Eos

My pasture technology

Day 1
If I think of my friends who are scattered around the world, my trip out of town looks like a picnic. If we put on the plate that I'll be back at the weekend in the middle of the Po Valley ...

Anyway, this morning the journey was altogether quiet, yes, a bit 'of traffic, especially in Merano, but overall I can not complain: three and a half hours and I was ringing the doorbell of my new office.
The start was quite soft and after lunch, I approached my first meeting monthly planning session.
The group of colleagues is quite varied, friendly, and gave me a good feeling. Of course, when talking to each other in German I do not understand one iota, but the boss is happy that they are forced to talk more in Italian and I hope you take away the rust that quickly covered the language of Dante and Manzoni.

The day was impressive, but from what I say, the incredibly blue sky, the sun shining and the air very proud bracing are the standard canons of the September day in these parts.

My room is a room with a bathroom on the ground floor of a "Breakfast a few steps away from the office. Bed and breakfast, the other problem with adjoining meals. Tonight, once released from work, I made a walk of forty minutes, looking around the past, with calm and tranquility, and to begin to evaluate options for the evening meal the next day. Tomorrow
replicate and I think that the practice of post office stroll will try to make it a habit, at least until I am away up here (once I become an employee from teleworking to alternate walking and Wii, so to change a bit ').

Now, however, I am a bit 'recovered from a devastating blow to sleep in advance of the absurd My standard time, the advance of sleep is probably due to the fact that last night, because of agitation, as if I have not slept a wink ... I try to go to bed (making this trip an opportunity to try to recover back a few hours of sleep) or I could try to determine whether, with the key websites that gave me the head, log on Star Trek Online has a meaning or everything is too unplayable ... Obviously, I think logger.