Tuesday, September 7, 2010


head in the clouds

Day 5 After a weekend back in the Po valley, characterized by a significant amount of mileage and an evening at the "Marketplace Reticulate" Villadose in Rovigo (I find that the term "rovigotto" is considered derogatory, then I will avoid even though I always felt that ...), just the beginning of the week I returned to my pasture.
a couple of days, the sky september "greeted us nicely: I was told that the sky here in September is usually blue and cloudless, even if the weather is a bit 'chilly, but we must take a holiday because it is from yesterday afternoon that the blue you have never seen even the shadow. In fact, today has not seen even the shadow of the entire sky, as it was covered by a thick blanket in which cloudy, damp and blessed, we spent the day all of us.
Leveraging the absence on holiday of a colleague, this week I have a location a bit 'less "on loan" to the one I had last week: I am at a desk next a window in an office instead of on the conference table. Through the windows I could see the forest across the valley, over the course of Passer (the river that runs through the valley and draw before throwing nell'Adige Merano at that), but today there are only shades of black pine middle of a vaporous cloud ... Very pleasant to see.

I brought my (already tried and tested new even when on holiday) camera, hoping to train and get some shots from the lens interesting ... when leaving the office I'll try to see what comes out, maybe my hand as a photographer could also improve a bit '.


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