Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Compatible Manual Lenses Eos

My pasture technology

Day 1
If I think of my friends who are scattered around the world, my trip out of town looks like a picnic. If we put on the plate that I'll be back at the weekend in the middle of the Po Valley ...

Anyway, this morning the journey was altogether quiet, yes, a bit 'of traffic, especially in Merano, but overall I can not complain: three and a half hours and I was ringing the doorbell of my new office.
The start was quite soft and after lunch, I approached my first meeting monthly planning session.
The group of colleagues is quite varied, friendly, and gave me a good feeling. Of course, when talking to each other in German I do not understand one iota, but the boss is happy that they are forced to talk more in Italian and I hope you take away the rust that quickly covered the language of Dante and Manzoni.

The day was impressive, but from what I say, the incredibly blue sky, the sun shining and the air very proud bracing are the standard canons of the September day in these parts.

My room is a room with a bathroom on the ground floor of a "Breakfast a few steps away from the office. Bed and breakfast, the other problem with adjoining meals. Tonight, once released from work, I made a walk of forty minutes, looking around the past, with calm and tranquility, and to begin to evaluate options for the evening meal the next day. Tomorrow
replicate and I think that the practice of post office stroll will try to make it a habit, at least until I am away up here (once I become an employee from teleworking to alternate walking and Wii, so to change a bit ').

Now, however, I am a bit 'recovered from a devastating blow to sleep in advance of the absurd My standard time, the advance of sleep is probably due to the fact that last night, because of agitation, as if I have not slept a wink ... I try to go to bed (making this trip an opportunity to try to recover back a few hours of sleep) or I could try to determine whether, with the key websites that gave me the head, log on Star Trek Online has a meaning or everything is too unplayable ... Obviously, I think logger.


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