Thursday, September 2, 2010

Epsom Salt For Sinuses

Golf, strudel and the draw

Day 2 In
Passeiertal tourist opportunities are many, not least, there is the opportunity to play golf. Arises because, in that of San Martino in Passiria, a clubhouse, with an adjoining 18-hole course.
Golf is a sport that has always intrigued and fascinated me (probably a good share of responsibility must be attributed to Lotti and its spa-ghe-tti "... distant memories that my mom!) For this, released from 'office, I moved my feet at a time of golf club: curiosity, mostly, and a desire to stick to my resolution to take a stroll.
Well, I might say that a course of eighteen holes can have its own extension, and if you have the bright idea of place the clubhouse to the extreme as far as possible from the street, the passer-by who want to come and take a stroll (and maybe see if there are any courses that you never know ...) should scofanare a non-negligible - and Another very pleasant - the amount of walking street.

After a walk like that, and bearing in mind that today - a little 'time due to lunch break two hours earlier than I was used - I have not had lunch, at dinner I allowed myself a bit' of dessert: a piece of strudel to close the evening with a pizza stuffed with products of the valley.
nice time at the end of a day not bad.

At this point, remains in front of me, the evening: the head in the Reggio Emilia where the draw will be held tonight for the league schedule of Modena improvisation, and Star Trek Online. Quiet evening in the end.


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