Monday, May 31, 2010

Najlepsze Darmowe Servery Z Php

Contingencies and Probabilities

Today, I am reminded of the timeless Monopoly, hackneyed metaphor for life with his throwing dice, and the boxes more whether or not Faust: if you are unlucky and end up on the wrong box, you chumps the dreaded orange cardboard wrong, but if the dice and help you finish up the correct box, you can not not be surprised of the text of the cardboard kind of chance.
Last Friday I picked up the dice and, towards the end of this week I hope I have moved my marker ... right now I hope that the future is green ... a diskette with ocher-orange ...


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cervical Radiculopathy

sad moments, happy moments

STICCON XXIV (my fourteenth and nineteenth STICCON convention of STIC in general ... definitely begin to have a bit 'behind you) is over and as he starts the post-convention, with the de-briefing and consideration of the that can be done to improve the activities of the Arcade and the Baby Club, a very first budget you can do.

This convention has had its good moments and its moments also no.
list of moments "also no" is hardly a single voice: the blow of gastroenteritis of my star.
the first time in my life where I found myself having to deal with someone was in a situation with my light close to 40 degrees and I could not do anything but wait for the Tachipirina and Plasil (iniettatole the duty doctor: If I had to do that inframuscolo probably would have stayed there with me paralyzed with syringe in hand for much longer ...) did effect. And then get her some tea, a plate of white rice and ice and wait to get his account (and successfully) to take it home the next day and I, even if it is not that I could be more useful than so ...

For the good times ... Well, the most beautiful ever was a hug with a person with whom I hoped to make peace for some time: he wanted to hear you say that peace has put me at peace with the whole world, not alone with her.
It 's beautiful and comforting the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving found a friend who feared he had lost forever, now, to make the picture perfect, lacking only that the "collateral victims", that due to the storm that we had not removed have never known in beautiful dresses and smiling when I had known I can see it better and be told they did not deserve to be involved in the explosion that has separated the two of us: the war, when it breaks out, involving the innocent, would be right that peace would do the same.

For the rest, I'm happy and I hope this STICCON, which was one of the most cosmic of bad luck in my story by convention, is the turning point: the Things begin to run well, we hope not to stop. I
the good will we want to put across, and certainly we'll put all the optimism I am capable of today is already a very good day, tomorrow may be a better day!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Shortwave Antenna Indoor


after much effort and patience I was able to reach a small but significant association with a major company in our industry ... Backed by a
grnde shop CARP HUNTER carp as to whom I owe a lot ...
"CARP HUNTER SHOP away 27 of the stars"

special thanks to Valerie for this opportunity and Mirko


Friday, May 7, 2010

How To Shoot Fast On A Camera

words, programs and counts

New on the job front: I have an interview Tuesday for a place in perpetuity.
will be an interesting chat, and hopefully the first step in a positive turning point of my professional future that ten months after the expiry of my current contract and the reorganization that pulls air in my current office, does not seem particularly peaceful .
For now, words, but maybe you could also become something more ... who knows!

the remainder of the program of the Arcade has taken on the almost final form ... At this point there are still a lot of things to do, but a line has been removed from the list. Tonight I have to see to start the mail to begin work in shifts ... We are at T -13 days and the countdown continues to run!

Best Stereo Receiver?

It was the light!

After a number of tribulations, finally found a new video card power supply can satisfy his hunger for power and overflowing the result was that, on the Promenade of Deep Space 9, the lights are on I did not think there were even.

The new card has been fed, configured and tested with a game session of nearly three hours on the server "Holodeck," the official server of game not to be confused with that of test called "Tribble," Star Trek Online.
test result more than satisfying: increased resolution, detail of the graphics and performance in general ... under the new conditions you suffer a little bit only in areas with more objects and subjects such as, precisely, the Promenade of Deep Space 9 or Spacedock Earth, which are the major points of aggregation of users and between the larger areas and "packed" with things and non-player character. Considering that under the same conditions before you could not simply do nothing, they are very satisfied.

Last night, for another, I had to do with a couple of other members of the Italian game. I am curious to understand how to play the main (only?) Union of players of the boot: for now I peeked a little bit on their website forum and I did not understand crabs ... I'll ask and try first-hand, hoping to find someone to role play rather than just play.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good Value Binoculars

Power is nothing ... if there is not! What

Today I decided, after much cogitation, and I made a charge that was a bit 'that pondered: I bought a new video card for my desktop PC.

was a bit 'evaluating the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a purchase (although still in theory, without having sought a specific tab to which orient): to be honest, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to play at maximum resolution, Star Trek Online tempted me too much, and what kept me from having decent performance was just the graphics card.

Today I purchased a brand new (but old for several months as a model) card with Nvidia chipset ASUS GeForce GTX 260: a jump in performance compared to my old Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT, not to laugh, though perhaps not until to make excessive spending would be like moving to a new generation card.
get home, I open the case, do I connect and the problems begin: the good ol '(reassuring and terrifying at the same time) audio error codes from the motherboard! I

tests, dismantle, reassemble, I despair and throw some damn ... eventually directed to a power problem of the card by Alexander (one of my colleagues, webmaster at the firm where I work, and a lot of geek), I document and, after verifying that in all likelihood that's the problem, my eye falls system requirements of the card (printed on the box, actually): 450 watts with a voltage of 12 volts DC and 24 amps of current ...
struck by a terrible doubt, I go to open houses on your PC and read the specifications of my power: 450 Watts - OK - 12 Volt continues - OK, of course - 24 Amp ... NO! My contraption stops at 16! Another string of accidents
variously assorted, then, smotaggio power: if they buy a new one tomorrow and the world should begin to shine in the splendor of 1.6 MegaPixel.

As one spot of the old Pirelli: power is nothing without control ... In fact if I had checked before ...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Best Upconverting Blu-ray Player

then I do not even know the sound of inevitability

are a Facebook user.
I have a profile, do some online play, I write a few lines of microblogging and I have a number of friends ... and those are among my friends, good or bad, I know them all.

Maybe someone with time, I asked who made me do accept the friend request, but the pattern "If you do not know, who do you want from me?" I always strenuously applied.
For this reason I wonder what motivates some people to send friend requests to individuals who do not know at all.

Today I received a friend request from a Hungarian that I only helped on a mission to one of several toys that do ... I do not know him and he does not know me.
Maybe behind this friend request I look for a good sign of globalization which brings down the borders between nations, or should I seek a beautiful confirmation of the theory of Six Degrees of Separation, but the fact remains that I, to this, friendship I do not think that I will.

Perhaps, again, I will confirm "that strange" but simply be among friends who do not know I do not care ... and with all due respect to those that add "friends" the cat's great-uncle's neighbor across the janitor of the school's maternal second cousin.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Vc-211a Driver For Mac


" You hear that, Mr. Anderson? That is the sound of inevitability. "

Agent Smith - The Matrix (1999)

For Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving), the sound of 'inevitability is the sound of a subway train that runs on its way, and he travels to Mr. Anderson / Neo (Keanu Reeves) ready to crush the unfortunate human ...
for me is the sound of inevitability that of a sheet that is turned around a spiral binding: it is the sound of a calendar that is turned.

Today is May 3rd ... missing 17 days annual Day of Judgement ...
As usual, they are buried under a thousand things to do before STICCON, this time round is: try to reach a definitive answer by Namco, do the redesign of the game "The Tears of the Prophets" of Caramel, place some graphic details of his "Doppelganger in tabula" find an idea for a game suited to the committee, the committee writing the above game, fix the "Game of Tosk, write a program for the room, schedule shifts, set up material to be printed, etc., etc.. And in all this, remains out of the draft of my new game that I hoped to be able to bring in this year's convention ... Incredible
like to turn the page on a calendar to start a reflection on the edge of depressing.

We hope to make at least half the things I do, otherwise I will help as you can ...

Doing everything is practically impossible, but do much, as usual, will be an imperative.