Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good Value Binoculars

Power is nothing ... if there is not! What

Today I decided, after much cogitation, and I made a charge that was a bit 'that pondered: I bought a new video card for my desktop PC.

was a bit 'evaluating the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a purchase (although still in theory, without having sought a specific tab to which orient): to be honest, the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing able to play at maximum resolution, Star Trek Online tempted me too much, and what kept me from having decent performance was just the graphics card.

Today I purchased a brand new (but old for several months as a model) card with Nvidia chipset ASUS GeForce GTX 260: a jump in performance compared to my old Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT, not to laugh, though perhaps not until to make excessive spending would be like moving to a new generation card.
get home, I open the case, do I connect and the problems begin: the good ol '(reassuring and terrifying at the same time) audio error codes from the motherboard! I

tests, dismantle, reassemble, I despair and throw some damn ... eventually directed to a power problem of the card by Alexander (one of my colleagues, webmaster at the firm where I work, and a lot of geek), I document and, after verifying that in all likelihood that's the problem, my eye falls system requirements of the card (printed on the box, actually): 450 watts with a voltage of 12 volts DC and 24 amps of current ...
struck by a terrible doubt, I go to open houses on your PC and read the specifications of my power: 450 Watts - OK - 12 Volt continues - OK, of course - 24 Amp ... NO! My contraption stops at 16! Another string of accidents
variously assorted, then, smotaggio power: if they buy a new one tomorrow and the world should begin to shine in the splendor of 1.6 MegaPixel.

As one spot of the old Pirelli: power is nothing without control ... In fact if I had checked before ...


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