Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Best Upconverting Blu-ray Player

then I do not even know the sound of inevitability

are a Facebook user.
I have a profile, do some online play, I write a few lines of microblogging and I have a number of friends ... and those are among my friends, good or bad, I know them all.

Maybe someone with time, I asked who made me do accept the friend request, but the pattern "If you do not know, who do you want from me?" I always strenuously applied.
For this reason I wonder what motivates some people to send friend requests to individuals who do not know at all.

Today I received a friend request from a Hungarian that I only helped on a mission to one of several toys that do ... I do not know him and he does not know me.
Maybe behind this friend request I look for a good sign of globalization which brings down the borders between nations, or should I seek a beautiful confirmation of the theory of Six Degrees of Separation, but the fact remains that I, to this, friendship I do not think that I will.

Perhaps, again, I will confirm "that strange" but simply be among friends who do not know I do not care ... and with all due respect to those that add "friends" the cat's great-uncle's neighbor across the janitor of the school's maternal second cousin.


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