Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ntitle:i-catcher Console-web Monitor



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Panasonic Ibm P/n 02k6502


Dear friends. From
vote on Tuesday. those who have caused the blow to Fini live another kind of attack. Da Silvano Moffa in Catia Polidori, Finian's ex who did not vote no confidence in the Berlusconi government are constantly vilified by both ex mates Finian is by members of the center. The main target is
Catia Polidori. He suffered repeated threats to his safety, was insulted by some Finian and leftists. They spread lies about her and her family, saying that she would vote pushed by personal interests. On this point, here are some elements that could be useful for explaining the truth and defend those who, in a gesture of responsibility, he said Berlusconi's government.
1. The Cepu not belong to his family, who does not have any participation or share in the partnership either direct or indirect (to verify it is sufficient to control the business profile). No member of his family works or has ever worked for Cepu.
2. During the vote on the bill Gelmini quote on-line universities, the Hon. Polidori emerged from the Chamber for the avoidance of conflicts of interest, as Francesco Polidori knows she was born as both originating in the same village of 32 inhabitants near Citta di Castello.
3. None of the activities of his family has never received public funding in the past or has never entertained "business" with the activities of President Berlusconi (there are only 40 years of hard and honest work of his father, a businessman in the first generation).
4. The Polidori structures, where someone said that he would receive aid or loans has been sold by his family 11 June 2007, ie well before the Hon. Polidori was elected to the Parliament, and his foundation has never received public funding.
5. In the vote of confidence in the Government was consistent with the views expressed and widely reported by newspapers and television. As early as July 29, at the signing of the resignation from the PDL and input in Fli, and in the months to follow its position has remained unchanged: he never considered useful for the country lacking confidence that the government won the election. From last Tuesday
Polidori lives under guard. E 'is the silent house his company. And 'the subject of a relentless campaign on local and national media and the Internet. In the middle of this siege, we have reported a page in its support, which are here: http://www.facebook.com/ # / pages/Io-sto-con-la-Polidori/174023329285949 .
is worth to join, as a sign of solidarity ...

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dee Fredrix – And So I Will Wait For You


Silvio Berlusconi won
Silvio Berlusconi won. For the umpteenth time. This ensures
continuity and stability of government. It 's all very simple,
clear: there is scrambling to hold, there is no chorus
comforting like "Pyrrhic victory". The prime minister and the government accordingly
reinforcing. The elections are secondary hypothesis, on
background, and also in the hands of Berlusconi and the center of this.
But today, for a long time, and predictably, it goes with the aim
intact and the possibility to complete the term and keep all
engagement with voters. Ensuring continuity does not mean you have won the game
a day, I tore a result for three
votes, as others say, chewing on bitter. Those three votes
obtained from an initial situation numerically negative, against everything and everyone
Montecitorio, indicate that this coalition and this Prime Minister
have something extra, an added value that the other lacks: the ability
reference and attraction. Forget the transfer market,
argument laughable. Who then when it is deployed with
Berlusconi has done for the reason stated at the outset: to ensure the continuity
precisely. The markets were following with bated breath the
yesterday if he wished, but hoped the speculation
contrary. If the hoped - that more was leaked unofficially - even
the Quirinale. And if he wished the social forces and entrepreneurial activities. In short, if you wished
the country. We need government, as in every country and
particularly at this time. And Berlusconi has shown
again to be the only possible leader for Italy.
The government goes on, and continuity is assured, because we need to defend the national interest
within the euro area, it is necessary to guard the public accounts
: This is the first reason. Go ahead because you need
give final go-ahead later this year to some laws and reforms, the decree
University one thousand extensions. Why are the decrees on
federalism and there is a plan for the South All this immediately. How
the future, and we raised it again from here. But without continuity, without
stability, without a confirmed leader, nothing would have been possible:
either restart or recovery or reform, or maintenance commitments
and electoral pact. Nor, above all, the interests of the country: not
was certain to remain without a government or face a crisis in
dark, but to have a stable ride, clear, recognizable by a majority
and compact, it continues to lead to long-Italy.
Source: The Notebook
The real loser is Fini
"The president of the rooms on. Fini is the real loser. He went
until the last minute without any respect of its institutional neutrality
any action disheartened the Berlusconi government. After
shown not to have fulfilled its role, it has the political and
for Italians because this is the logical conclusion that can be drawn from
his work. " "It is one thing want to extend most consistently
and another account, with the aggravating circumstance of the current crisis, want to maneuver with
palace and in league with those who lost the election
wanting to subvert the election results and the mandate that voters gave the president
Berlusconi and the coalition that makes up his government.
the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies have rewarded the absolute consistency and
the determination with which Prime Minister Berlusconi has defended
this time the interest of the country. " "On 14 December in the classroom of Deputies
there were not only all the members - but millions and millions of
Italians who wanted to, supported and hoped that with the motion of no confidence
would not pose any serious alternative, but only
army Brancaleone. The Italians have understood, yes, and that Di Pietro Fini
were allies to send home Berlusconi. "
Isidoro Gottardo
(FVG Regional Coordinator PDL)
determining the will of the people who signed in mass to the tents of the PDL

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Good Rifle Scope For The Money


casino perche'Fini success would be a modern European right. The reform of the Justice and Treasury have been blocked for that. The Government and 'paralyzed by 3 months' cause Fini had these big ambitions.
Apart from that I think could very well have to wait two years to make his modern European right. but the question that arises is': IF ONE WANTS TO ESTABLISH A RIGHT IN ITALY AND MODERN EUROPEAN IS ASSIGNED TO INVESTIGATE AND THEN AND HALF acquitted CAMORRA DiPietro?? Come on, come on, you too modern to be a bad end, and 'why are conservative and traditionalist.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Best Dvd/hdd Recorder 2009

FI NI TO? Who's 'cause of his ill cry if' same

Filming With A Monopod


by Dagospia

Dagotraduzione the "Lex Column" in the Financial Times
FT Berlusconi Give a little 'credit Silvio Berlusconi. The Italian prime minister, who survived a motion of no confidence yesterday in the last vote, did not as bad as its many critics feared. On the contrary, the country has taken, Italian banks have avoided the worst consequences of the credit bubble, GDP growth has remained low but relatively stable, inflation has been moderate, the debt / GDP grew less than in most developed countries, and the Italians are still buying almost all the bonds issued by the state (also if the spread with German bunds has been widening).
Lex on December 15 of Berlusconi the moral weaknesses of Mr. Berlusconi's business opaque and the idiosyncrasies policies do not attract us. But if a prime minister less self-centered and less self-indulgent could make more progress in tackling the big Italian institutional problems - that political corruption, the South permanently weak, too tax evasion and organized crime - none of them has so worsened since 2001, when Berlusconi began his second term as prime minister. It appeared to have ruled throughout the following decade (except for two years).
the grimace of Gianfranco Fini
For most of this period, his political position was weak in Italy, Mr. Berlusconi has not yet resorted to a populist budget, threatening the finances public. When the recession hit the economy, it was agreed with the Treasury Minister Giulio Tremonti-supported by competent bureaucrats and non-politicized: Italy could not afford a substantial fiscal stimulus. Some Italians have preferred to receive a wave of money borrowed by the government, rather than a rhetoric of "we are all well and loving life on the front pages of the prime minister, but investors should thank him.
Tremonti If there was a more attractive, this would make the discussion much stronger against Mr. Berlusconi, but the fragmented opposition can not offer clear strategies and neither sensible nor a more competent leader. The fact that nobody is selling over the Italian government bonds after the failure of no-confidence motion - the spreads have moved just - it was more than justified.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dslr Camera Lessons Begineer


After days of great effort to prepare, here come the last day of satisfaction.
contact with people, with our people, I was amply rewarded for all the work, required permits for the occupation of public land, recovery of material, tables, banners, gazebo, information materials, organization of shifts of volunteers whom I thank for the skill and dedication, replacing the defections last minute due to illness, slalom with work and family commitments.
At 8.30 we are in trouble 'to mount the gazebo and we experience the same feeling of helplessness that you have in front of a product purchased at IKEA, two defections from disease and 2 delays for business reasons, including the volunteer who has experience in assembling gazebos, sottoforze see us, but , the reaction of passers-by, apparently sympathetic to the cause, allows us to overcome the embarrassment and the comedy 'of the situation at 9.15 with only a quarter of an hour late we are ready and proud in our beautiful gazebo.
In the meantime, however, people approach with a firm step, without being invited and signature, signature pissed off ..
The way we understand the signature desire to do something for the government.
often reject our publications with a list of work done by Berlusconi and his ministers saying, we know what government has done!
great to see the need these people to vent and communicate consent, sometimes critical of some government decision, suggestions, report problems and critical issues'. Meanwhile, in waves you create the row forcing us to create 4 points for the affixing of the signatures.
and down 'criticism of the purposes and traitors, the opposition, the press false and tendentious. At the banquet we
provisions of interesting books like "Fear and hope" for Tremonti, "Revolution in Progress" Brunetta, "Sickle and cart" and "The true story of Di Pietro" Filippo Facci, well after a while 'we had to remove the latter book,' cause even though we explain that the book is' critical to the former judge, do not want it to have it in front while they sign.
sure I'm not just roses and flowers, some lady indignantly refused our invitation to sign and throws acid on with unkind comments, a true democracy.
What is most 'fun' but was 'dark and disappointed to see the faces of the children of the Left and Freedom' who had set up a table in front of us, of course, their table was empty, and often there were not even the employees and This red spot appeared really a wound in our beautiful square. A
pair coming from Trieste complaining about not finding the list of the gazebo in the newspaper,
Trieste. Around 18
, because personal commitments, we begin to sbaraccare and people still ask them to be able to sign, even in full work in progress.
conclude a day among the people who confirmed the almost one thousand signatures that our beliefs about the goodness' of the operation of government are shared by many, many people.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Camera And Flash Battery Pack

The Milanese Bausch

Tonight at dinner, I had to do with some of the issues I most care about certain people of this city.
I was having dinner in a restaurant, as almost always, at a corner table in the entry hall of the restaurant. When I sat in the same room there was only one other table occupied, two women in their thirties ('s weird to say, given that "about thirty" I ...), there are also well-dressed but not too smart .. . probably two friends to dinner after a day of work (but work in different offices).
One of the two speak almost not felt, the other was a constant barrage of the most becere psicobanalità and postyuppimi: he spoke of her man, one who lives outside Milan, but worked in town, how he built one step at a time their relationship, their relationship as he lives, how this relationship interacts with the male figures in his life, a father always present but emotionally detached .. . and work with a consultation to boost the image of a small creative company in the field of "branding" (!?!?), with plans to share it with the aim of making it attractive for a sale within five years (having the age of sixty ultra members ...), etc., etc., etc. ... In short, the most pathetic of a monologue that "we really believe." One that Milan and the worst (at least from my point of view, perhaps too provincial, but still I) "Milanese" has it in his veins, bone, in the DNA.
To write a note worthy outline of all this, the arrival of a young couple (twenty-five?) With veiled display of family wealth and two "mignottoni" (although my definition is not adequate enough for me) to follow and a boy (probably the author of the above definition), those who hear them speak and are the typical spoiled children (this was the aspiration to go to open a club in Argentina !!!), probably him in the first half of thirty, which has since been reached by his father for dinner and a friend of his father's middle-aged men, a jacket and tie, air manager not at all veiled and not even a gesture to stop the tacky references to which of them had more money than the boy did.
All this, not in a fancy restaurant, but in a restaurant / butcher shop ... Ok, I admit, in Moscow to Milan in the Brera district, where probably all jocks are more than I'll never in my life, but I did not find the hotel (and the restaurant was very close .. . in the true sense of the word ...).

In my corner, eating my Swiss with smoked cheese, watching the scene as a spectator at the cinema, and raised a note of sheer astonishment on the waiters when they thanked me and took away the empty plate, probably someone you can wean the most common courtesy (or even the fact that a customer may be aware that you exist and are working for him).

This evening I was probably near the limit: more than in all other nights when, sitting alone in a restaurant, I had inadvertently see some trivial conversation, I was about to get up and scream in the face to those people which had to stop taking themselves seriously.
psicociance of the chick was the one that hit me more about the nervous system and was a nanosecond from being blurted in exasperation rather than take unnecessary mental masturbations on the relationship with her husband I wanted to tell you to start living for that relationship that is, and if wrong, do not psychoanalyze too much but try to live longer, without trying to optimize the logistics of their marital relationships as a function of the job. But among other things, merciful heaven, who uses the term "logistics" are talking about a relationship??

But what this city is bad for people?
more I think, the more suspect that something is in the air ... Fortunately, a few hours run away from this madhouse and I go back to the grind km for Italy, returning to breathe the air of those places where you are a bit 'easier to not take it so seriously ... Or maybe it is a matter of places and for not taking me seriously I've got just wired into my immune system?

Prism 7 Inch Tv Review

Two weeks, six beds

's now two weeks that have been around for Italy more than usual, hopping from city to city ... from a hotel room to another ... from house to house ... from bed to bed.

dizzy thinking about it, but I try to take stock of the situation, going over the last two weeks of nights spent around.
2:03 November - San Martino in Passiria, Garni Gurnau (room 4)
November 4 - Bologna, my brunette
5:06 November - Genoa, my brunette
November 7 - From my
8, 9, 10 November - Milan, Hotel Carlyle Brera (room 203)
November 11 - At home
12, 13, November 14 - From my
November 15 - Milan, Hotel Carlyle Brera (room 506)

This morning when I woke up, it took me a while to figure out which way was the bathroom ... Fortunately, in almost all my accommodations, I sleep to get out of bed on the same side, or even the simplest actions require concentration.
I did a quick calculation of mileage ... Well, let's say I tried and I gave up. Even just to have finished in the Nov. 5 football: Bologna dawn, at midday in Milan, at sunset back to Bologna, in Genoa the night ... too much not to get lost in the accounts.

My stay in Milan, then, convinced me (more than they already were convinced) that this city has something wrong I'll be provincial, but I find it abhorrent that people consider normal stay in office more than 10 consecutive hours. I find it absolutely incomprehensible how one can complain about the fact that he was late for the umpteenth time, maybe losing a train back home, and do not actively do something, the next day, to prevent the event from occurring again.
At times, some Milanese give me the impression of wanting to be able to complain of life that are alienating, and that autoimpongono. Probably not even their fault, just fall for the mechanism by which if you're not a life, and work in certain sectors, six out of place in this city.
Absurdly, even though I hate this kind of situation, the fact that only a business trip and under contractual maturities pushes me to do the same alienating life (with an evening last week, where I was working in hotel until nearly four o'clock in the morning). I hope that my healthy and provincialism that vein fancazzista that dwells in me, save me from becoming one of the Body Snatchers workaholic.

For now, the prospect of another day in Milan, followed by a day and a San Martino in telework at home is enough for me to make me feel even lost a ball in a pinball machine ... Hoping to not be hit too hard by one of the "bumper" of my new life of a wanderer ...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dvd Vcr Combo For Basic Cable

Brochure: presentation of pof

Sunday, October 31, 2010

5.1 Receiver Hdmi Upconvert

Returns, bridges, and moving quantum effects

continue my life on the A22, although more and more often I find myself also on the A4.

traveling to and from the province of Bolzano, I discovered something I never suspected: Isoradio does not cover the whole country! Indeed, north of Mantua can be virtually certain of being unable to hear any news that relates to the rest of Italy, at least if you're on the Brenner.

In itself, this discovery would not have done neither hot nor cold Thursday if there were not further quantified the number of miles (between eight and ten) of the junction between tail A22/A4 and Mantua.

Thursday evening I was returning alp from my tech for a day of leave which would see me in Lucca during the Games ... unfortunately my Moretta had the bright idea of \u200b\u200bgetting (accusing me of bringing a virus in lowland South Tyrolean doped by antibodies to my survival ... even if none of this has been demonstrated or supported by other data that were not his accusations) and then skipped the trip to Tuscany is miserably.
However, while my father felt that the next day I would be home to give a hand to clean my kitchen (newly installed) and the rest of the furniture (at this point ... less than a complete pair more chairs that I bought today ...) by arranging the move, he informed me of the tail.
thereafter, two kilometers, began pounding the sequence listing by the information boards on the highway ... Unfortunately Isoradio was silent and I could not update me in any way (I do not know why, but the frequency of traffic information Brenner to my car radio does not like ...).

arrived at Verona, alarmed by the idea of \u200b\u200bpotentially tens of kilometers to a crawl (I'll never know what the situation was problematic, but the word "code" does not lend itself to interpretations ever optimistic), I opted alternative for the ride: Verona-Bologna-Padova.
overall outcome of the trip:
- departing from San Martino in Passiria
at 18:00 - arrival in Bologna 22:00 pm
- made stops 0.
Nothing to wonder when I arrived I felt a little bit.

Although the premise is not exciting, the two following days have been profitable from the point of view of the arrangement of my new home and, hopefully, tomorrow will begin the first materials to walk the seven kilometers between my house from my house .
Tonight, then, for the first time I sleep in my sunny mansion fair.
point out that is not the first time we sleep: Already last week, I inaugurated the mattress, but that night my light was with me.

Days Emilia hano me a bit 'reloaded. Of course, mileage is a significant amount, like things done and people I met (also thanks to the annual social event at the home of Paola in Bologna that), but I definitely need to get your fill of Enego: the weeks ahead I will put a strain on my endurance .
in order: the prospects for the coming week are three days (after the Monday holiday) in subtirolo, return to this Thursday night in Bologna, during the day Friday in Milan (both thanks to the Lord Frecciarossa), night flights at a time Liguria and Genoa weekend.
The next two weeks are likely to be even worse ... Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on a permanent basis in Milan on Thursday and Friday in San Martino in Modena telecommuting ... With a note of suspense about where to sleep Wednesday evening in Milan, Modena or San Martino?
begin to have moments when I feel like a quantum particle in a delocalized state: where I'll wake up tomorrow morning?
Thriller night aside, I think if anything will survive the month of November will be more to test my endurance.

Also part of the "energy charge" a note on a movie night in Bolzano spent the last week: during the twenty-fifth anniversary of "Back to the Future", with David (fellow South Tyrol) I went to see this absolute gem in the history of cinema in the splendor of remastered version on the big screen.
evening which is always exciting when the song "Power of Love" begins to resonate on a skateboard around the layers of Hill Valley. Positive
the evening in terms of the company: David is nice, and although at first I thought it was very quiet, and actually quite willing to talk ... probably what the back is his mastery of the language of Dante, but perhaps the evening with a talkative like me with no brakes may have helped a little '(then working for the project leader who had hoped that my presence in office would help to strengthen This Italian language, but not very rooted in my fellow Teutonic-speaking South Tyrol - Or almost).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reception Range For The Best Uhf Antenna

acrobats Freedom

Intensive Course: Culture Project
Professor: Igor Muroni - Emanuele Quinz
October 2010

Project sound accompanied by a visual texture that revolves around an imaginary town: empowerment of women, symbolized by a single continuous beating of human hearts with each other.
[strengths: emotions - confusion]
(for listening we recommend using a pair of headphones insulating)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Remove Giottos Tripod Head

Constant inconstancy

The inconsistency is the only constant in my life.
What then are constant in some things, but in certain other ... Destiny's infamous
an obsessive compulsive at times. "

My pasture technological continuous connections between dancers evening, days at the office always a bit 'longer than would be reasonable to do, that phone costs rocketing and miles ... many, many, many miles immeasurably.

Since early September to now, my car has already passed under his wheels (which before I need time to check and possibly change) a little less than seven thousand kilometers. According my current estimates, these two months will be completed with an average of four miles per month: A little 'more than 60% more than the average for the first year of life of my car.
The thing that annoyed me most is that although I like driving in the long run I'm going out a bit 'try.
The road from Modena to San Martino in Passiria now I do it on autopilot, like that at a time of Cascina hump (in Milan, where the parking-lot where I leave the car when I have to go - quite often - from clientone project we are working on that), but the presence of some trucks and some hysterical car decerebration has already made me reconsider the whole movie of my life at least three times ... For now, only much afraid and I have always managed to avoid making the pancake against a guard rail in A22, so I hope that continues much longer.

In recent weeks, then started the East Conference of the League of Impropongo Improv Theater (we read: the championship match of Modena d'Improvisation).
For a couple of evenings I have been directed, in cabinotto up there, the lights ... and I like it a lot.
The third evening, however, for the first semifinal of the championship, I was on stage and took part in a match of the best I've seen (well, as you can see them while they do ...) and almost certainly the most beautiful in which I participated.
My team (the "Stalking Frogs") has missed the train to the final, but only the play-off and after a match tiratissimo with four counts, with beautiful improvisations, with my first personal foul and my first "rejection of character "(sorry, I had never happened, but this time I really ran the check because the turn had taken improvisation ...).
For the first time this week, I will not do interviews after the race to the captains (made them for the first three nights) and do not think I can come back with a microphone in hand even in the final ... certainly in the next championships will return to the office when I can go to help out.
The thing that bothers me, though, is the fact that we lost because of improper coaching of my life on the edge ... I hope to take risks in Emilia to recover to resume a regular presence.

Again because of the border is irregular even my presence around the table role-playing game: the meetings of the Thursday Group ALEA: USS Excelsa proceed EST (fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view) to sob and then I'm not losing much, but those were the USS Dark Tues back to stop because of my absence.
continue to do my part for the project working on the Manual that will print to start the new year and pagination now work for the adventure that we want lead to Lucca, but not how to play.
Fortunately, after Lucca, I should be able to play again in the group of adventurers Kondai my rambling (in that of Genoa) and next week we should get back on track with the heroes of Libertas (Bologna) ... shame not to still be able to resume with my reckless Northern Harbor (in Bologna), but never say never ...

The thing that bothers me most, however, of my pasture, is that because of the distance that separates me from my new home, I am working only to its commissioning.
My father, proudly armed with his new tool, is assembling IKEA furniture that will be my companions a thousand days (I hope) and is - without the tool - like a bulldog marking the plumber who should (in their day today) to replace the water pump in my boiler, over the years in which it was stopped, it is split.
I, for my part, I will make Friday the first evidence of teleworking from home, in a study where the cabinet doors are still being recorded and where I hope it works with VPN to the office of which have still not received any specific .. . all with a break to go for the request for change of residence in town because of the idiotic rules of contracts requiring ENEL to apply for change of residence within 40 days from the service ... I do not know how it will end, as the bedroom and kitchen - which should arrive this week - have not yet seen.

However, the constancy of my fickleness, tomorrow is mounted in the car at the end of the day en route to the office of Emilia ... hoping to see more and more often the great plain from within rather than from above the hills of Verona.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Best Bang For Your Buck Camcorders

Fighting to win

One thing I learned in all this time? continue ... fight to win, although more often than one would like to give up, because you do not get the desired results .. but the beauty is also in this, not today not tomorrow tomorrow still no results? no problem will keep trying until you succeed in your intention.
This article is about and 'especially dedicated to how I feel every time you fail a session .. then it is not bankrupt, even if there is no big catch is always a win .. the great outdoors in the company of nature, out of the rut in short ..
to fish in any one place and a new challenge for me even though I was already there and maybe I have already also made many catches .. The concern of having an enclosed
makes me grow .. continuous development and internal revolution in which I find the answer enigma .. The COAT
Many of us once coat for 2 / 3 times without even leaving the PES to understand why have coats for all those times ...
then push more and more to understand the errors of assessment, baiting I do ..
not always get the answers you need but passsione pushes me to try and grow ..
A short insert a new post where I hope to show some nice catch ...

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sony Dsc F828off Camera Flash

A night under the roof

Day 9
My stay in the Dolomites has its pros and cons.
Today I fished a day counter!

After a quiet weekend away, even though there are resting at the center of the great plains, this morning I was waiting for the return of the mountains.
The day started fairly colorless: the load stuff in the car (with the additional inconvenience, this week, the jacket that I brought back for the training I have to do some key users of the new client company Thursday that Milan ... jacket, pace of aesthetic taste I decided to put on jeans and a polo shirt in sbucherò only the collar of a golf package with a "V" which I hope will give me an air cast semi serious without a shirt and tie) and I go an ATM. Stare weeks up here, stayed at a bed and breakfast, has the terrible effect of forcing me to dine at the restaurant every evening. Invariably
only after my evening walk and the call-rite to my archaeologist, within the restaurant, I greet the waiters (and the pizza maker who now gives me the face with his broken Italian) and order, eat and watch the world around trying not to give too much attention, pay and go back to your room.
Obviously, the mourners are known in the "pay" taken separately, the dinner cost little, but in the long run the tote is rising ... result, the ATM this morning was a must.

date back in the car and I move at a time of LPG dispenser ... I fully and in the meantime I discovered that there is a strike this week announced a few days, including Thursday ... my trip to Milan begins to seem woefully expensive, with the specter of petrol instead of the cheaper fuel.
I make the mental note to do a full tank of LPG is also once again came close to Merano (in order to increase autonomy for the fateful day) and calving to Vorta peaks.

The "brochisia" hitting motorists in the rain I pursued for nearly four hours and one hour later than usual, I reach the parking lot.
Unlike other week, I parked in the parking lot, "the bank" across the street from my place of rest: I parked directly in the parking lot of the "garni" saying that because I did thirty, thirty-one and I could do download the car before going to the office.
drain, later name is ... no Answer ... I still call ... No answer ...
curses softly, reloading the stuff in the car, and I go to the office, already tired at 11.30.

day working a bit 'way, but could have been worse.
In the evening, back to the hotel, unloading the car, within e. .. big surprise! Due to a small problem, instead of my "usual" room with double bed, bathroom with shower, sockets compatible PC and TV on the ground floor, this evening I have to stay in a "single" to the second floor. It only has one small flaw: it has no shower in the bathroom. If desired, it can use a ground floor, but just wanting. I shrugged absently
: vabbeh, never mind ... only once climbed the two flights of stairs (Twice to bring up all the stuff) I realize dell'agghiacciante truth: the room is an attic, with just a small skylight above the bed (leaning against the wall in front of the wall ... vicinissma given the small size the room), but so far, since it is only one night ... the problem is that the bathroom without a shower, wash basin and consists of only water! These people, does not call the bidet in the bathroom! New
sequela of swearing ... this time a bit 'less subdued, but still I refrain.

I go out, I go for my walk to the clubhouse of the golf club, avoid reaching the driving range (I'd be curious to see) after an altercation with a small dog small but obviously incazzosissimo tooth and outside and then go to dinner.

On my return in the room, after finishing the meal with a piece of strudel to brighten the evening I perceived as unfortunate, I am going to an evening playing Star Trek Online ... but the problem is that here, in my buggigattolo, plugs are provided "Italian-friendly!
get down low and ask the owner for an adapter ... Takes a little box, and extract fruta a series of adapters, no compatible ... in the end it is one that maybe can fit: I get to try, but the teeth of the plug is too large ... down again and try a new adapter ... After five minutes we find that it should be fine, even if maybe "could be a problem with the inside edge of the socket," he says ... I am confident I climb the stairs, I feel e. .. I discover that she's right! Wall outlets have "notches" in space that make my search.
swear, less quietly, cursing the idiocy of people who decide not to take struggling with a form that is standard in at least one of the neighboring territories.

back down the adapter back in the room, and I resign myself to the use of the system battery.
I try to play STO, but the connection jumps too much (too noisy tonight) and concluding something is not talked about.
dedicate the evening to facebook and then, almost at midnight, with the drums that seeks forgiveness to their fathers, I resign and go to bed ...

If I think that last week Savior, my former classmate in high school, I wrote (also on faceboiok) to envy my accommodation near Merano, a city that loves him, I wonder if it would accept the idea of make a change: after a night like this ...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


head in the clouds

Day 5 After a weekend back in the Po valley, characterized by a significant amount of mileage and an evening at the "Marketplace Reticulate" Villadose in Rovigo (I find that the term "rovigotto" is considered derogatory, then I will avoid even though I always felt that ...), just the beginning of the week I returned to my pasture.
a couple of days, the sky september "greeted us nicely: I was told that the sky here in September is usually blue and cloudless, even if the weather is a bit 'chilly, but we must take a holiday because it is from yesterday afternoon that the blue you have never seen even the shadow. In fact, today has not seen even the shadow of the entire sky, as it was covered by a thick blanket in which cloudy, damp and blessed, we spent the day all of us.
Leveraging the absence on holiday of a colleague, this week I have a location a bit 'less "on loan" to the one I had last week: I am at a desk next a window in an office instead of on the conference table. Through the windows I could see the forest across the valley, over the course of Passer (the river that runs through the valley and draw before throwing nell'Adige Merano at that), but today there are only shades of black pine middle of a vaporous cloud ... Very pleasant to see.

I brought my (already tried and tested new even when on holiday) camera, hoping to train and get some shots from the lens interesting ... when leaving the office I'll try to see what comes out, maybe my hand as a photographer could also improve a bit '.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Epsom Salt For Sinuses

Golf, strudel and the draw

Day 2 In
Passeiertal tourist opportunities are many, not least, there is the opportunity to play golf. Arises because, in that of San Martino in Passiria, a clubhouse, with an adjoining 18-hole course.
Golf is a sport that has always intrigued and fascinated me (probably a good share of responsibility must be attributed to Lotti and its spa-ghe-tti "... distant memories that my mom!) For this, released from 'office, I moved my feet at a time of golf club: curiosity, mostly, and a desire to stick to my resolution to take a stroll.
Well, I might say that a course of eighteen holes can have its own extension, and if you have the bright idea of place the clubhouse to the extreme as far as possible from the street, the passer-by who want to come and take a stroll (and maybe see if there are any courses that you never know ...) should scofanare a non-negligible - and Another very pleasant - the amount of walking street.

After a walk like that, and bearing in mind that today - a little 'time due to lunch break two hours earlier than I was used - I have not had lunch, at dinner I allowed myself a bit' of dessert: a piece of strudel to close the evening with a pizza stuffed with products of the valley.
nice time at the end of a day not bad.

At this point, remains in front of me, the evening: the head in the Reggio Emilia where the draw will be held tonight for the league schedule of Modena improvisation, and Star Trek Online. Quiet evening in the end.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Compatible Manual Lenses Eos

My pasture technology

Day 1
If I think of my friends who are scattered around the world, my trip out of town looks like a picnic. If we put on the plate that I'll be back at the weekend in the middle of the Po Valley ...

Anyway, this morning the journey was altogether quiet, yes, a bit 'of traffic, especially in Merano, but overall I can not complain: three and a half hours and I was ringing the doorbell of my new office.
The start was quite soft and after lunch, I approached my first meeting monthly planning session.
The group of colleagues is quite varied, friendly, and gave me a good feeling. Of course, when talking to each other in German I do not understand one iota, but the boss is happy that they are forced to talk more in Italian and I hope you take away the rust that quickly covered the language of Dante and Manzoni.

The day was impressive, but from what I say, the incredibly blue sky, the sun shining and the air very proud bracing are the standard canons of the September day in these parts.

My room is a room with a bathroom on the ground floor of a "Breakfast a few steps away from the office. Bed and breakfast, the other problem with adjoining meals. Tonight, once released from work, I made a walk of forty minutes, looking around the past, with calm and tranquility, and to begin to evaluate options for the evening meal the next day. Tomorrow
replicate and I think that the practice of post office stroll will try to make it a habit, at least until I am away up here (once I become an employee from teleworking to alternate walking and Wii, so to change a bit ').

Now, however, I am a bit 'recovered from a devastating blow to sleep in advance of the absurd My standard time, the advance of sleep is probably due to the fact that last night, because of agitation, as if I have not slept a wink ... I try to go to bed (making this trip an opportunity to try to recover back a few hours of sleep) or I could try to determine whether, with the key websites that gave me the head, log on Star Trek Online has a meaning or everything is too unplayable ... Obviously, I think logger.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Thrush And Low Hemoglobin

Greetings and snow

Last day of work.
Last day with a lot of people to greet thousands of things to do, two hundred deliveries to leave and, practically, I could not make a bean.
Half of the now former colleagues were still on vacation, and the greetings were more than two e-mails: one general and one to a more narrow group of people.

I will not be able to talk with Richard from his past and his companion sessantottino (antithetical) passed by financial advisors. It 'kind of person where there is to learn, someone who'd be listening for hours.

I will not look up strange over the monitor and see IUMA that gives me a paper clip or the phone away from ear exasperated by a conversation without exhausting and useless. I miss you

desperate calls of the Rose that can not tame a table in Word, and his travels to print copies of the fortnight Minutes of the Board of committing four printers at once. I will miss the

Isa pass me the phone calls of Americans who speak with four potatoes in your mouth because you do not jumping out to tell him they need to send an email. I will miss

also calls for Sarah, who must go to the bank and need someone to replace it at reception.

Yet, I know that I've lost everything, some of them, those with whom they work more, I'll just across the monitor, no more than a few desks away, no longer an internal phone, but still reached for an emergency.

From tomorrow you change the air, country, region ...
scares me the idea I might not be a pretty good programmer, but I have the desire and ability to learn yet, and I have experience in the industry that the other lacks.
I am concerned about the idea of \u200b\u200bnot understanding a beloved while talking to each other in Austria, but I very much hope that they understand that it is appropriate to speak in Italian.
I shake the idea of \u200b\u200bnot knowing how to find accommodation and what if I will have a network cable to the "post-office."
incuriosce I know that yesterday it snowed since the 2000 meters, the mountains around are already capped ... and will make a nice chilly.

Tomorrow we start a few hours more ... and although I already know what will I leave, I am too anxious curious and do not start with the butterflies in my stomach tomorrow morning at seven.
I'll see how it goes ... and how is it to take.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Small Slide Projectors

Events, superstition, suitcases and signatures

tend'm not a superstitious person, but sometimes I allow myself an exception.

been almost three months since the events took a strange turn in my life. A strange turn, I do not mind at all, but totally unpredictable.

First, peace on the front. Despite the months passed, I still occasionally surprised when a fragment of my brain gives you an instant of joy and relief that peace. I do not mind at all the unexpected turn of events, and a piece of my being passes days in the countdown to the next convention for this ... and I only regret not having yet had the opportunity to meet again my friend found it, but make it up.

Then an email receipt, mail delivery and months of waiting to reach some of the most radical changes in my life so far.
From 1 September, a few hours, my life will change course by taking a turn unthinkable just a few months ago, a fold that I hoped and I have not said much because a part of me feared that fades. It is now extremely unlikely that anything could happen and disrupt the plans and then I may say so out loud, to admit beyond superstition: job change and set up home!
a few hours I made the case for the first day of new job: start at 7:00 in the morning of Wednesday, September 1, 2010. En route to San Martino in Passiria (BZ). Estimated arrival at 10:30. Estimated time for signing the employment contract of indefinite duration: 10.45 am. In a few hours I'll be a happy employee of a software company engaged in South Tyrol at the headquarters of a period before returning to the center of the Po Valley to sign the papers for the deed, setting up house and begin to make teleworking.

doing the math, I am indebted for much of my future life, buying a house that I do not know how long it will be mine, I do not know if he decorating sense at all points (strictly at IKEA) and this will be my home, my office and a large part of my world for months, and perhaps some years to come.

The changes do not ever scared me that much, and this is a change that I want now from the middle of the past years on this earth, but the rapidity with which it materialized is impressive.
Three months ago I was about to enter a competition to try to get a job as a programmer for the control and management of the clinic, then suddenly a curriculum mandate, received a phone call, an interview done and I found myself en route towards the province of Bolzano.
It has lengthened the time to give a chance to become present to my future ... but there was a transformation: an offer received I had no way of opposing a counter to weigh, and I found myself having to choose between an uncertain future, with a fixed-term contract and the words "outsourcing" and " exuberance "on the horizon, and a bright future for an indefinite period, well-paid, with the words" growth "and" opportunities "that stood out in gold block letters.
E 'was like having to choose between a kick in the pants and the possibility of my house ... also because it was exactly the choice I had to do.

Once found that my future was in that Merano is the game hunt for a house that could accommodate my office, and the draft of a lease I have to be able to enlarge the prospect of a purchase ... in mid-September and the games will be made and the loan started.

And then there were the (too short) vacation, based on cemeteries and museums of friends not seen for some time and with a touch of beautiful, fun and exciting Shakespeare. And after the holidays the last few weeks working absurdly full. And on both sides of all these things, the novelty of the CEPU and the nights spent on the IKEA website to try to make ends meet and need accounts. A

illogical, it is imperative, luck had imposed silence me three months ago, then the commitments prevented the thoughts of taking writing.
But now things are changing, and these thoughts aloud, and the frightening prospect of the future, now that is present, but tempts you earn and the hours become a resource you can rely on: a space to devote to projects in too bisfattati recent weeks, the last few months, the last year ... and the space in which to flesh out new projects that are currently hovering at the edge of conscious thought.

You never know, but now that luck has been abandoned, is lighter than the thought that jumping on the pastures of the future.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bushel Rangefinder 450

Pink Bathroom For Her at the disco

Creating a hybrid between a sink and a bidet, to be placed in a collective space
lecturer: Gianluca Sgalippa

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Barska Gladiator Spotting Scope

Corten House

nb: the project does not claim to be an architectural project, but design.
The theme of the project was to redevelop the square Canegrate (MI), then we tried to create a structure consisting of rectangular forms of Corten and green vertical tongues of turf, water tanks and search-session;
a mix that strongly characterizes the context in which it appears.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Binocular Spotting Scopes


3 DAYS OF FISHING .. 3 PEOPLE IN THE COMPANY OF MAGNIFICENT By my side .. ALEX Bigozzi ILARIA of Philip and Riccardo Fanucci .. they are there as early as Friday and begin to feel the catch. Giuliano also arriving on Saturday morning and Niko in less than nn say open up the catch of a 19kg amur captured by Julian ... (great Julius PERSONAL BEST RECORD) I present only on Saturday "unfortunately the work I pursued," but I also added that as a law with amur about 16kg ...
final session is incredible catch over 20kg with one of my fishing buddies ...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Aztec Armband Tattoos


12 to 13 June 2010 ..
enduro Social Rome Carp Team, a beastly hot wraps these two days of fishing, I arrive on Saturday afternoon but the other club members are already there '..
unloaded the car and prepared the station with alex and the legendary punt Skarp s 60 caliamo the barrels with a little hemp and a pop-up mainline milk toffee, while the other line a snow man and pineapple always essential opal 18mm main line ..
throughout the afternoon on Saturday and some Pescetto 'release .. but no one above 10 kg .. but the important nn and 'the weight of the session but made no? ..
wonderful dinner of meat and grilled them all away in a tent ready for the night ....
bipp one wakes me up at 2:30 about a small fry of carp about 1.5kg .. Sundays throughout my rods remained silent ..
but around 13 while I was dying for me is 40 degrees schiribizzo to take the pod and barrel and move among all others in the club ... new trigger pineapple pop up and goes down .. but while the second tube to trigger recovery .. here is that the clutch bzzzzzz bzzzzzzz iron and 'here it is ... 16kg beautiful mirrors that show ... MAINLINE AND BEST ONE YET AGAINST

Friday, June 4, 2010

Myammee Nud�‰

A quote

Today, while I was on lunch break, I thumbed through "Il Resto del Carlino" available to customers the bar where I usually eat something up ... I usually try "La Gazzetta di Modena", but today he had had an accident with a drink and was already trashed. Leafing
I reflected on a page that contains statements quoted by daily declarations of some character or culture of the show and I caught a phrase that struck me so much, and I decided to make my own because it makes good sense that the idea of I happen to try it before you start a match or, sometimes, before starting to play the role.

" I like to be an actor. Each time, before you start shooting, I think I'm going on holiday in the life of another "

Fabio de Luigi (From Il Resto del Carlino 04/06/2010)

Monday, May 31, 2010

Najlepsze Darmowe Servery Z Php

Contingencies and Probabilities

Today, I am reminded of the timeless Monopoly, hackneyed metaphor for life with his throwing dice, and the boxes more whether or not Faust: if you are unlucky and end up on the wrong box, you chumps the dreaded orange cardboard wrong, but if the dice and help you finish up the correct box, you can not not be surprised of the text of the cardboard kind of chance.
Last Friday I picked up the dice and, towards the end of this week I hope I have moved my marker ... right now I hope that the future is green ... a diskette with ocher-orange ...


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Cervical Radiculopathy

sad moments, happy moments

STICCON XXIV (my fourteenth and nineteenth STICCON convention of STIC in general ... definitely begin to have a bit 'behind you) is over and as he starts the post-convention, with the de-briefing and consideration of the that can be done to improve the activities of the Arcade and the Baby Club, a very first budget you can do.

This convention has had its good moments and its moments also no.
list of moments "also no" is hardly a single voice: the blow of gastroenteritis of my star.
the first time in my life where I found myself having to deal with someone was in a situation with my light close to 40 degrees and I could not do anything but wait for the Tachipirina and Plasil (iniettatole the duty doctor: If I had to do that inframuscolo probably would have stayed there with me paralyzed with syringe in hand for much longer ...) did effect. And then get her some tea, a plate of white rice and ice and wait to get his account (and successfully) to take it home the next day and I, even if it is not that I could be more useful than so ...

For the good times ... Well, the most beautiful ever was a hug with a person with whom I hoped to make peace for some time: he wanted to hear you say that peace has put me at peace with the whole world, not alone with her.
It 's beautiful and comforting the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving found a friend who feared he had lost forever, now, to make the picture perfect, lacking only that the "collateral victims", that due to the storm that we had not removed have never known in beautiful dresses and smiling when I had known I can see it better and be told they did not deserve to be involved in the explosion that has separated the two of us: the war, when it breaks out, involving the innocent, would be right that peace would do the same.

For the rest, I'm happy and I hope this STICCON, which was one of the most cosmic of bad luck in my story by convention, is the turning point: the Things begin to run well, we hope not to stop. I
the good will we want to put across, and certainly we'll put all the optimism I am capable of today is already a very good day, tomorrow may be a better day!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Shortwave Antenna Indoor


after much effort and patience I was able to reach a small but significant association with a major company in our industry ... Backed by a
grnde shop CARP HUNTER carp as to whom I owe a lot ...
"CARP HUNTER SHOP away 27 of the stars"

special thanks to Valerie for this opportunity and Mirko


Friday, May 7, 2010

How To Shoot Fast On A Camera

words, programs and counts

New on the job front: I have an interview Tuesday for a place in perpetuity.
will be an interesting chat, and hopefully the first step in a positive turning point of my professional future that ten months after the expiry of my current contract and the reorganization that pulls air in my current office, does not seem particularly peaceful .
For now, words, but maybe you could also become something more ... who knows!

the remainder of the program of the Arcade has taken on the almost final form ... At this point there are still a lot of things to do, but a line has been removed from the list. Tonight I have to see to start the mail to begin work in shifts ... We are at T -13 days and the countdown continues to run!